King's Business - 1916-12



and later became a faithful member and gave this testimony: “ I am so grateful that you kept after me. I think I must have been asleep, and this study has been a great awakening for me, and means more in my life than I can tell you.” The Bible class has .made a personal worker out o f one woman. She said: “ You know it has been hard for me to speak o f these things, but o f late I seem to be changed. I found myself talking so easily o f some o f the things we have heard in class to my cousins, and do you know, they really seemed interested!” ship, Nippon Maru (pa ss.); British ship, El L obo; American ship, Emily H. Whit­ ney; American ship, Sonoma; Japanese ship, Shinyo Maru (crew) ; Dutch ship, W oaldijk; Japanese ship, Seiyo Maru (pass.) ; American ship, Star o f Zealand; British ship, Waitotara; Swedish ship, Pacific; Japanese ship, Shinjo Maru (pass.) ; American ship, Buena Ventura. Besides the work on these vessels, we had opportunity to speak in three different churches. Much time, also, has been given to presenting the work to representative men in different parts o f the city and the bay region. Pray that the W ord o f God may be richly blessed on each vessel and •to every heart.

shall never cease to be thankful that you called on me. 1 needed someone at that time so much, and you made God so real to me, and the Bible-study has meant so much to me. I hardly know how I ' could have lived through this past year without it. So many hard things have come to me, but praise His name, I know now where to go for help and comfort.” W e found one day a lonely little stranger, in poor health and homesick. W e cheered her as best we could. She said, “ Yes, I am saved.” We urged her to attend the Bible class near by. She did not come, so.we sent a member of the class after her. She finally responded V ERY often one does not realize how much is crowded into a month of service, and what possibilities .o f fruitage lie embodied in the hearts o f those who come into contact with the Gospel in their own language. Perhaps the best way of acquainting intercessors with the pressing need for prayer will be to give them the names o f the vessels boarded within four weeks, showing their nationality, and thus illustrating the far-reaching nature o f the w ork : German ship, Atlas; German ship, Nep­ tune; Japanese ship, Nippon Maru (crew ) ; Japanese ship, Shinyo Maru No. 2 ; Dutch ship, Yikembang; British ship, Moana; Japanese ship, Seattle Maru; Japanese

-------------- O --------------- WORK AT SAN FRANCISCO HARBOR Oscar Zimmermann, Supt.

THE EXTENSION DEPARTMENT Geo. W . Hunter, Representative

T HE past month has seen the organiza­ tion o f the Seattle Branch o f the Bible Institute,, and the program outlined is a very full one indeed. Dr. Matthews teaches the doctrinal sub­ jects and the expository work; Dr. Forbes teaches evangelism and the subject matter

classes; Dr. MacCullough teaches the per­ sons o f the Godhead; Rev. Ed Miles is the social service teacher; Rev. J. A. Rogers instructs the class in church organization and methods. Mr. Hunter teaches the class on Bible construction. With these are associated Mrs. E. W . Martin, who

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