King's Business - 1916-12



teaches the class on the Life o f Christ; Mrs. L. B. Moffett, who gives the mission study, and Mrs. S. L. Bowman, who is teaching a class in prophecy, giving the dispensational setting o f the Bible. The work started off well,- there being an average o f forty to fifty from the first class night. Good interest seems to be manifested by all attending, and splendid results are looked for by the end o f the first term. O f course an undertaking of this kind does not get the same results -from the first as an organization along secular lines; many'people feeling that they are not obligated to attend each class, even though they have signified their intention o f taking this or that line o f study. But taken on the whole, it is gratifying indeed to see the keen interest being taken in thè work, and that in the face o f many other events, social and business calls, that are demanding the thought and time o f many every week. Another phase o f work that is being organized is for the pupils o f the public and high schools. There are a few that come each day for Bible study and instruc­ tion, and it is confidently expected that before the first term is well under way there will be a good sized class formed of high-school students, and as fast as it can be worked out the pupils o f the public schools will receive attention. All o f this has not diminished the work that was being accomplished in the several districts o f the city; as class work is being carried on in the several sections each afternoon and evening, like it was before the Institute was organized. There are approximately twenty o f these classes. A very cordial welcome is being given to your representative by the people o f Seat­ tle, and if he were “twins or quadruplets” he could do more, as the calls he is receiv­ ing from all sides are compelling, and the needs are so great it is hard to have to say: “ I am working the limit now and cannot find time to do more.” Ten classes each week beside the executive and detail work takes all the time, including some o f

the sleeping time, and it is a regular thing to burn the midnight oil. The prayers o f T he K ing ’ s B usiness readers are asked for the continued health o f your repre­ sentative, as well as for the other men con­ nected with this great enterprise. It has pleased the Lord to give your representative an abundant entrance into the hearts o f the young people, and as the days come and go he is encouraged by see­ ing the intense earnestness o f many o f them in the things o f The Lord. Recently the Christian Endeavor Society o f the First Presbyterian Church elected him an honorary member, with the title o f “ Big Brother” to the whole society. This carries with it the privilege o f spiritual leader and counsellor for every member o f the society who cares to avail themselves o f the privi­ lege, . and it is already bearing precious fruit, as many o f them have already visited him for encouragement, instruction and counsel. This is surely a prolific section o f the country for aggressive work along Bible lines, and. the response is growing larger and larger each month. It promises to produce a growing and sustaining interest in the work o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, and your representative has only one desire and that is to be sufficient for the task assigned to him. Pray for this gift. A T SAN QUENTIN /""'ROW TH is an indication o f life; praise God from whom all blessings flow, for the life that is in the word. Thus writes Loren S. Hanna. The class in San Quentin is growing; attendance is increasing; the men in the class are grow­ ing wonderfully—they are just bubbling over with joyfulness, and they are winning men; there have been several decisions in class and out o f class. One bright faced chap has been saved from the bondage o f Eddyism; his face wasn’t so bright before that redemption. One Japanese has come to know the. saving power o f God’s grace. A colored man was brought to his knees by the verse: “ The heart is deceitful above

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