FOR TH 0 E S ERMON , B I BLE R EAD I NG , GOSPEL ADDRESS § Hom iletical Helps 1 ' ----------- B y W I L L I A M E V A N S — -------------------------— . 0 GLEANINGS FOR CHRISTMASTIDE Selected
r | 'H E following conversation is reported *■ to have taken place between the late T. DeWitt Talmage and Mr. Gladstone: “Mr. Gladstone, we are told in America by some people that Christianity is good for weak-minded men, women, and children in the infant class, but it is not for strong- minded men. But when we mention you o f such large intellectuality as being a pro nounced Christian and friend o f religion, we silence their batteries.” Mr. Gladstone then stopped on the hillside where-we were ^strolling and said: “ The olcjer.I grow the more confirmed I am in my faith in religion. Sir,” said he, with flashing eye and uplifted hand, “talk about the questions o f the day; there is but one question, and that is the gospel. That can and will correct every thing. I am glad to say that about all the men at the top in Great Britain are Chris tians. Why, sir,” he said, “I have been in public position for fifty-eight years, forty- seven o f them in the cabinet o f the British Government, and during tfeese forty-seven years I have been associated with sixty o f the master minds o f the century, and all but five o f the sixty were Christians.” He then named the four leading physicians and surgeons o f the country, calling -them by name and remarking upon the high quali ties o f each o f them, and added, “ They are all thoroughly Christian.” The birth o f Christ not only brings God down to man, but raises man up to God. Jesus touches man as a creature at the cradle; He reaches man as a sinner at the cross..
The fact that music has always been the handmaid o f bur Christian religion is in itself enough to characterize that religion as impulsively happy and emotionally jubi lant. Music cannot survive on grief. The fact that the Bible is, a book o f music is enough to characterize the religion it teaches us. The fact that heaven would be imperfect without its harp reveals to us that religion is not only happy in its origin and progress, but happier still in its culmination. Jesus came into the world not merely to teach us how to live or even how to die. He came not merely to offer His marvel ous light upon the dark secret o f our life and destiny. Others had done thht, and done it well. This old world did not want an adviser; it needed a Saviour. Jesus came to do what others could not do, namely, to take away sin; hence His name was Jesus. What this old world needs at this very moment is a Saviour from sin. I f Christ the Lord will not do, then get some other man, but do get a saviour. W e do not want to be finding fault with one saviour if you can get another. Jesus Christ is willing to stand aside if you can supersede Him by one more excellent, by one mightier, by one o f larger heart. Jesus wanfs to hold no primacy which His works do not give Him. I f any other man can save the soul more completely and benefi cently, Jesus Christ would be willing to let that man go forward and perform this sublimest miracle.
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