King's Business - 1916-12



I ntroduction . I . 'T h e Text Speaks of Someone Who Died. 1. The statement o f an ordinary fact. 2. Vet an extraordinary fact when we remember: (a ) The character o f the One who died. (b ) The fact that .He could have avoided death. (c ) The claims which are associ­ ated with His death. II. The Text Speaks' o f the People for Whom Christ Died. 1. Sinners, ungodly, weak, enemies. 2. Meaning of the statement, “ died for them.” III. The Purpose of Christ’s Death. 1. Not to induce God to love men. 2. That man might b e : (a ) Justified. (b ) Reconciled.

. (c ) Not the call o f the Volunteer Band. (d ) Not the example o f others. (e ) But because the Spirit o f God so moves us. III. Our Relation to the Call of the Holy Spirit With Reference to Missionary Activity . 1. What Constitutes a call? A need. A needy field Kid on the heart by the Holy Spirit. A study o f the Bible and a map of the world. 2. Illustrated in the call of Amos, the prophet (cf. Amos 7:14, 15). 3. The question of seeking a sign.

Inward feeling leading to the choice o f mission work is not to be slighted, but a deliberate con­ sideration o f the need o f the field is an equally important factor.

4. Where is the call?

Where there is the greatest need.

(c ) Saved from wrath. (d ) Saved by His life.

Conclusion. Has, the Spirit never said anything to you about missions? Theme: The Death of Jesus Christ. T ext : Romans 5:6-11.

Conclusion. Do we pass that cross unheeding? Is it nothing to us? What interest have we in that death?


Topic: Seven Indispensable Things.

Topic: The Water df Life. I. ,Its Character. 1. Living, John 4rl0..

I. Without shedding of blood is no remission, Hebrews 9 : 22 . II. Without faith it is impossible to. please God, Hebrews 1 1 : 6 . III. Without works faith is dead, James 2 : 26 . IV . Without holiness no man shall see the Lord. Hebrews 12 : 14 . V. Without love I am nothing, 1 Corinthiahs 13 : 1 - 3 . VI. Without chastisement ye are not sons, Hebrews 12 : 8 . VII. Without me (Jesus Christ) ye can do nothing, John 15:5. —A. C. P. Coote.

2. Clear, Revelation 22 :1. 3. Pure, Revelation 22 :1. 4. Abundant, Ezekiel 47 :l-9.

5. Free, Revelation 21:6. II. For Whom Provided?

1. The thirsty, Revelation 21:6. 2. Whosoever, Revelation 22:17.

III. The Way to Obtain It. 1. Come, Revelation 22:17. 2. Take, Revelation 22:17.

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