1114 THE KING’ S BUSINESS John 10:28). The churches themselves are tained by the oil o f the Holy Spirit. So called the “candlesticks,” or more accu- we see the churches are “lampstands,” min- rately translated “lampstands,” because they isters are “ stars,” but Christ Himself is are the light bearers, the light being sus- the sun (v. 16).
How does Daniel describe Him? Dan. 7:9. Why did His voice sound like many waters ? Ezek. 1 :24; Psa. 29:3, 4. How did Isaiah prophesy concerning the mouth o f the Lord? Isa. 49:2. What is the two-edged sword? Eph. 6:17. | What hand was it that was laid upon John? John 20:27. Why did John fall down with fear? Matt. 17:5, 6. As “ first” and “ last” what is He? Isa. 44 :6; 48:12. As the One who liveth forever, what can He do? Heb. 7:25. For what final purpose will He use the keys o f hell and o f death? Rev. 20:14, 15. PRACTICAL' POINTS (1) The book is “ revelation” not “ obscura tion.” (2) With the revelation o f the blesser comes a blessing. (3) Emphasize to yourself three words: Read—hear—keep. (4 ) I f you keep the sayings o f the Book, you will keep your eyes open for the coming o f the Lord. (5) The Lord’s day is not the day o f the Lord. One commemorates the.Lord’s resurrection; the other prophesies judgment. (6) The proof o f His love is the blood that He shed. (7) Christ is the Coming One, and He * comes in clouds. (8) Christ is the center o f the whole cir cumference-past, present and future. (9) Christ keeps the keys, not the pope. (10) From His face the wicked shall flee away. The same Mighty One is in the midst today.
(1 ) Salutation, vs. 1-8. From whom does all grace issue? 1 Pet. 5:10. Through whom was His purpose in grace manifested? 2 Tim. 1:9. What did the Lord Jesus do through grace ? 2 Cor. 8 :9. How is the grace o f the Spirit mani fested? 1 Cor. 12:4. Was our Lord promised as a witness? Isa. 55:4. What kind o f a witness is He? Rev. 3:14. What was .He declared to be as the first born from among the dead? Rom. L:4. Was this in fulfillment o f promise? Acts 13:33; Psa. 2 :7. What title does God give His Son as ruler ? Rey. 19:16. What could not take away sin? Heb. 10 :4. How did Christ wash away our sins? Heb. 9 :11-14. Is there any other way for redemption o f sins ? Heb. 9 :22. How are sinners made nigh? Eph. 2:13, How are they redeemed ? Eph. 1 :7. How has Christ made peace for us? Col. 1:20. In what manner did the Lord leave the earth 7 Acts 1 :9. How did the Lord say He would return"? Mark 13:26. What people shall see Him ? Zech. 12:10. (2 ) Revelation, vs. 9-18. Was John’ s condition similar to Peter’s when he received his revelation? Whom did John see? Ezek. 43:4-6. By what right had Jesus authority over the church? Matt. 28:18; Acts 20:28. What official position did His garments suggest? Heb. 8:1.
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