PRACTICAL. PO INTS (1) Christ has a home in heaven and a home on earth. (2) He knows His ministers and keeps tab on their ministry. (3) No event escapes the eye o f the Ever present One. (4) Pity the life from which has gone the fervor o f the first love, (5) He never forgets the faithful ones. ( 6 ) Satan has a reserved seat in many a sanctuary. (7) How hateful must be that thing which the Holy One hates! ( 8 ) Ears closed to God’s Word, will become atrophied. (9) He is rich in fact who is rich in faith. (10) The overcomers will have the best food and will live forever.
What is profession without possession? Rom. 2:17, 28, 29; 1 Tim. 1:13. Is Satan’s seat in this world? 2 Cor. 4 :4 ; John 14:30: Are believers children o f this world? John 15:19; John 17:4. Where is the citizenship o f believers? Phil. 3 :20. What is the doctrine o f Balaam that is condemned? Jas. 4:4. What has God done to save us from Bajaam? Gal. 1 :4. What judgment awaits the Balaamites? 2 Thessi 2 : 8 . What is the call o f God to all under con demnation? Mark. 1:15; Acts 20:21. What is the final verdict to those who fail to repent? Matt. 25:46; Rev. 20:15.
------ ---- O----------- The Holy City DECEMBER 17, 1916. LESSON X II. Rev. 21:1-7, 22-27. (Commit vs. 3, 4). G olden T ext : “ Behold, the tabernacle o f God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people.”—Rev. 21:3.
DA ILY BIBLE READINGS Mon., Dec. 11—Rev. 21:1-4, 9-14. (The Lesson). Tues., Dec. 12—Rev. 21:22-27 ; 22:1-5. (The Lesson).
Wed., Dec. 13—Heb. 11:1-10. Thurs., Dec. 14—Rev. 21:15-21. Fri., Dec. 15—Rev. 3 :7-12. Sat., Dec. 16—2 Peter 3 :13-18. Sun., Dec. 17—Psalm 48:1-14.
sin. There has been rebellion against God in heaven. Satan and his angels who fol low him rebelled against God. So heaven as well as earth needs to be made new and will be made new. In that day there will be no more sea. The sea with its separa tions and with its tragedies will be gone forever. v. 2. "And I John (omit, John) saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down
v. 1. “ And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were (are) passed away; and there was no "more sea (and the sea is no more).’\ In this lesson we look forward to the final and eternal state o f things. W e are told that in that eternal state there is to be a new heaven as well as a new earth (cf. 2 Peter: 10, 11, 13). Heaven as well as earth has been invaded and polluted by
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