derful names, each one full o f the deepest significance. “W onderful:” He is won derful (1) In His Nature, being very God o f very God (Heb. 1:3, 6 , 8 ; Rom. 9 :5 ; Col. 2:9) and yet at the same time true man (1 Tim. 2 :5 ). (2) In His Character, the only man that ever trod this earth abso lutely faultless and without blemish. ( 3 ) In His Love, forsaking Heaven and j its glory for earth and its shame to redeem us (Phil. 2:6-8). (4) In His Work, deliver ing men from all the guilt o f sin by His atoning death, setting them free from all the power o f sin by His resurrection life, transforming them from brutes into His own glorious likeness, changing them from sons o f perdition into children o f God and heirs o f God and joint-heirs with Himself (Rom. 8:17). The name* “Wonderful,” here given to Jesus, was also the name o f “ The Angel o f Jehovah” o f the Old Testa ment ,(Judges 13:18, R. V .), one o f the many proofs that “ The Angel o f Jehovah” o f the Old Testament was the Jesus o f the New Testament. The second name given by the Holy Spirit, through the prophet Isaiah, to Jesus is “ Counsellor.” He is the true Counsellor, He gives to the most foolish o f men who take Him as their Counsellor a wisdom that none can gain say (Luke 21:15; John 1:16, 17; 1 Cor. 1 :30). In Him are hidden “all the treas ures o f wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2 :3 ). Third name, “Mighty God.” In this name the fulness o f His Deity stands out as clear as day. In the light o f this name given to the coming Messiah in their own scriptures, it is utter folly for the Jews to deny that the Messiah promised to them in their own scriptures was a Divine Person. Men may try to tone down the
full significance o f this name, but when they do so they are “handling deceitfully the word o f God.” In the Old Testament as well as the New the full Deity o f Jesus the Christ is taught. Our Saviour is a Divine Saviour. He is no less than “Mighty God,” so there is nothing too hard for Him (cf. Isa. 45:24, 25; Psa. 45:3, 6 ; 50:1; Jer. 23:5/ 6 ; John 1 :1, 2). The fourth name, “ Everlasting Father.” This name also brings'out His Deity. His earth life began at Bethlehem, but He existed from all Eternity (cf. Micah 5:2; John 8:56, 58; 1:1, 2). The fifth name, “ Prince o f Peace.” How deeply sigrfificant is this name, especially at the present time. The entrance o f sin into this world banished peace from its borders. There was no peace in the individual heart, there was no peace between man and man. As man was not at peace with God, he could not be at peace with himself or with his fellow- man. But as Jesus restores peace between God and man (Col. 1:20; 2 Cor. 5:19), He also restores peace in the heart o f the individual (Phil. 4:7 ), and peace between man and man and throughout the whole universe (cf. Isa. 11:6-9; Ps. 72:3, 7 ; Luke 2 :1 4 ). Jesus is in the fullest sense conceivable “ Prince o f Peace.” And His rule is to endure and spread, “o f the increase o f His government and o f peace there shall be no end” (cf. Ps. 72:8-11; 89:35-37; Dan. 2:44; 7:13, 14, 27; Luke .1:32, 33). What a glad, triumphant Christmas message this is. How our hearts should bound for joy. And it is “the zeal o f Jehovah o f Hosts” that is to “perform” all this—Hallelujah! (cf. Rev 11:15-17).
(1 ) The Gloom, v. 1. In what reign was this prophecy spoken? v . 1. What was the character o f Ahaz? 2 Kings 16:2-4.
What mercy was shown him? vs. 5-7. What sign was given him ? v. 14. O f what was the sign the type? Matt 1:22, 23. O f what deliverance was it the assur ance? Matt. 1:21; 1 Cor. 15:57.
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