Index to Voi. VII.
Jesus The First and the Last (Garvin)..221 Jesus Christ, Why I Believe Is God in Human Form (T orrey ).....................871 Japan—Fujita’s Unique Appeal............... 502 Jesus, the Wonderful (T orrey )........... 1081 Kellar, Rev. and Mrs. F. A., to China....996 Laymen’s Missionary Movement..... 215, 407 Lord’s Day, (The) Neglect and Abuse of (Torrey) ................. :..................-..-...795 Lord’s Day, Historical Evidence Con cerning Observance (Ganright).....985 Making God Popular........— ....,................ 428 More Sure Word of' Prophecy ( Evans) ..................— ...........967 Mexico (Badger Clark).......................... 1087 Neglected Fields (W icker).......................900 Oriental Night School (Van Wagener) 780 Prayer, What Is an Answer to (Blanchard) ....... 421 Preparedness, (The) o f a Christian Nation (Coffin) ................. 693 Persia ........................................... 402 Protestant American Evangelistic League (Matthews) ......................... 1073 Scriptures, Divine Inspiration of (Gaussen) .....,...... ..... .........................119 Student Volunteers ................... 227 Surrendered Life the Price of Power (Coyle) ...... 775 Story Telling^«,Why and How ( McAnlis ) ........................—......... ,..... 877 The Opened Rock (W olfe)..,.................... 537 Three Cents a Day..................".................. 912 Tenting by the Cross (Poem ) (Coyle) ............................... |.............1076 Virgin Birth o f Jesus Christ (Evans).......7 Wicker, Mr. and Mrs. Ge6rge............... ..592 Without Me (Poem ) (O lney)............... 870 Wesley, John (R y le).........................883, 975 Week o f Prayer..........................................995
Africa.......................209, 499, 708, 1013, 1064 A Classic oji Invitation (M ood y ).........601 Asilomar Conference .................. 'L ............876 A Would-Be Bible Teacher.......................982 Bible Institute o f Los Angeles— Annual Meeting ......... j j f c j ..............330 Largest Class Graduates................... 686 Alumni Banquet .. .......... ,,,..811 Seattle Endorsement.... ............ 899, 1072 New Members of Faculty-..-......... -....994 Bible, (The) as a Message (Thomas) 10S Burns, Rev. William C. (Hunter).....212, 409, 511, 593, 703, 807 Bible, (The) as a Power (Thomas)....295 Bible the Final Authority (Evans).......126 Biblical Criticism, Modern Tendencies (Andrews) ——...^*3 Bible, Study o f the (Thomas)...■-...... ,- 585 Bible, Wherein It Differs from All Other Books (T orrey ).......................681 Christ Our Passover (M cN eill)............. 312 Christian Scientist, Why I Am Not a (Evans) ......................................393, 489 Critics, Prods for the (Evans)..-......-.-.597 China Experiences..............................1..... .........................21, 401, 501, 688 , 794, 881 Coming For and With the Saints (Brookes) ........................... -.... .......... 889 Editorials...............3, 99, 195, 291, 387, 483, ■Pqfffe...........579, 675, 771, 867, 963, 1Q54 Finney, Rev. Charles G. (Hunter)....17, 111 Fishermen’s Club......... v— ...... — .... 228, 607 Family Altar League.....................-.......... 1085 Gospel, The Seven R’s o f the (Matthews) .............■:.......T,—...........305 God, Is There a (Whitelaw ).................1065 Holy Spirit (The) and Missions (Evans) — ........... ■■'■ .......— ......... 201 Harbor Work (T . C. H .)........................ 916 Hackett, E. A. K., Death o f....................965 Hurlburt, Rev. C. E „ A frica.........996, 1091 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ...... ,.... ............................ 783
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