King's Business - 1916-12



| Outline Studies in Christian Doctrine f In the Introduction, Rev. A. B. Simpson writes:“ The spiritual qual- • i ity will be found predominant, and perhaps above every other feature will ? ♦ be recognized not so much as a system of Theology as a systemrather of I Christology. The Christocentric point of view is always paramount. | a Dr. W. H. Griffith Thomas says: “ I am confident they will proveof | real service to teachers and students of Theology as the foundation of | I further and fuller work. . . . 1 hope to make this use of it in my | | own work on'Christian Doctrine.“ I | 364 pp. Cloth, $1.50 ? Christian Alliance Publishing Co., 692 Eighth Ave., New York City t j I REV. GEO. P. PARDINGTON, PH. D.

s Business

I The King’

Published by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles For Help in All Religious Work and Experience

DR. R. A. TORREY, Editor DR. WILLIAM EVANS, J. H. HUNTER, T. C. HORTON,' Associate Editors A. M. ROW, Managing Editor


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