Christmas is Coming! There is still time in which to prepare your “WHITE GIFTS” Christ mas service, if ordered at once. Why not teach your Sunday School scholars the value of the magic word OTHERS?” Let them learn from experience the joy of giving, in Christ’s name, to those who are less fortunate than themselves. Those Sunday Schools who have tried this new plan will never go back to the old-fashioned Christmas tree and Santa Claus. The new plan requires less work and produces greater results. “White Gifts for the King.” The story o f how the “White Gifts” idea was bom and how gradually new features were introduced, until we are now able' to offer .these perfect Christmas services. A book o f paper, IS cents; cloth, 35 cents. Service No. 1 and Service No. 2. Each contain a 16-page service o f song, Scripture and story, which gives expression to the “White Gift” idea in the Sunday School’s public observance o f Christmas. Price 5 cents each. White Gift Suggestions. A four-page folder containing twenty-eight, printed forms for the various kinds of gifts. '"Price SO cents per 100. Suggestion Pledge Envelopes. These envelopes bear appropriate decorations, Scripture quotations, etc., and are ready for sealing. Size o f envelope, 5 ^ 2 x 3 ^fj infches. Price 50c per. 100. “White Light.” . A 32-page book containing abundant material for an interesting and instructive address on the “White Gifts” movement. Price 10c. A Pageant, 16 pages, with appropriate music, $4.25 per 100; 55 cents per dozen; each 5 cents. ' . > “White Gifts for the King’s Birthday,” a 16-page “ Religious Play.” Per doz. $1.00, each 10 cents. To those who have never had a “White Gifts” Christmas in their Church we would say—order immediately a sample package o f Supplies containing the “White Gifts” book in paper cover and sample o f one each o f the other Supplies. Price 50c for sample set by mail postpaid. Order from THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California SUPPLIES 1
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