The Best Books f o r Christmas Giving In the following pages we offer a wide rangé of choice among the very latest books that could possibly be selected for Christmas presentation. A Collection of Books for One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents Each Holy Living and Holy Dying By Jeremy Taylor. Two old classics The. Dynamic of All-Prayer By G. Granger Fleming. From the Introduction by Andrew Murray :
“ If peoplè can only be got to read and think out carefully the message this book con tains, I feel confident it will lead many a one, not only to acknowledge that he has a new insight into what prayer is, but deliberately to yield himself to Christ as one o f His holy priesthood through whom the blessings o f God’s grace are to be dis pensed to the world.” Bound in gray- purple leather. India paper. Never Old Stories By Lettice Bell. G. Campbell Morgan says o f this book: “W e have always con sidered it to be very difficult, if not im possible, to teach children the great prophetic books in such a way as to be o f any real use to them.. Yet here the work is done ; and so well done, and withal so naturally, that we are amazed that no one has done it before.” Bound in green cloth. Illuminated cover. The Lost Garden By Lettice Bell. The title o f the book is the name o f only the first story. Some o f the other stories are called “ In the Land o f Thorns and Thistles,” “ The Man Who Disappeared,” “ The Lifeboat,” “The High Tower o f Self,” “ The Three Fam ilies,” “The Man Who Did Not Go On,” “ The Man Who Chose His Own Way,” “ The King o f Peace,” “ The Woman Who Looked Back,” “ The Woman Who Ran Away,” “ God Hears,” “ The Man Who Could Trust in the Dark.” M iss Bell knows how to make children love the Bible. The Boiling Caldron By Lettice Bell. Another valuable book by this gifted author. This is another book on prophecy. The burden o f the prophet is not laid upon the mind o f the child; but the stories o f the prophecy are told in such wise as to give the child a consciousness o f the historic background, sympathy with the prophet, and a clear idea o f the general purpose o f his work.
combined in one. The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living treats on the general means serving to a holy life, on Christian sobriety, on Christian justice, on Christian religion, and on prayer. The Rule and Exercises o f Holy Dying bear upon considerations concerning preparation for a holy and blessed death; the state o f sickness, and the temptations incident to it, with their proper remedies; the assistance that is to be given to dying persons by the ministry of their clergy-guides. Leather bound. Parables of the Christ-Life By. I. Lilias Trotter. God’s ultimate purpose for us—at least a glimpse o f His purpose—us traced, as far as possible, in the ripening o f the little annuals., It shows us some o f the Divine principles o f the 'new life, rather than a set sequence of experience. Profusely illustrated with life like colored, pictures o f growing plant life. Printed on heavy paper. Bound in green and white cloth. Parables of the Cross By I. Lilias Trotter. A companion volume to the above. Valuable lessons of the cross are learned from nature. The illustrations are exceptionally beautiful. The Expected King By Lettice Bell. This is the very latest book from the pen o f this author. As the title indicates, this book tells stories o f the Christ life. They begin with Elizabeth and Zacharias and end with the story o f Jesus in Jerusalem when twelve years o f age. Miss Bell has a happy way o f teaching children to search the Scriptures. She prints certain words o f the story in italics, and gives the name of the book and num ber o f the chapter where these words may be found. The little readers are expected to' fill in the number o f the verse which contains the italicized words. Order from
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