More Christmas Cards and Folders
Another series o f hand-painted cards, put up in tissue envelopes, that have been sold for ten cents each, we will now sell for 2 for 5 cents; 12 for 25 cents; $1 per 100. These are folding cards containing folding leaflets, and tied with ribbon. They con tain Christmas greetings, verses and texts. W e have a booklet (size, 3 ) 4 x 5 in ches), bound in stiff paper, ornamented in colors, entitled “Light on the Daily Path.” This contains a text and verse for each day o f the month. Two illuminated texts, full page, on the inside of the book. 10 cents each; $1.00 per dozen. £ W e have packages o f enclosure cards, different sizes, all with appropriate Christ mas greetings, ten in an envelope, for 10 cents per package. Do Not Open Until Christmas labels with Santa Claus ornamentation. 10 cents per package of six. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! - May -each “Merry” make you glad, Making it the brightest yuletide you and yours have ever had. Labels; 10 cents per package of six. Merry Christmas tags. Ornamented with holly and Santa Claus. 10 cents per package of six. Christmas tags ornamented with picture o f small boy in pajamas, dancing before the grate, with Christmas gifts in his hands, 10 cents per package of six. Cornucopia tags. Novel and very pretty. 10 cents per package of ten. W e have a large greeting card “ T o the Friend Away.” _ _ Love spans the - Mountains and Prairie LawLs And reaches across the Desert Sands To where you are dwelling far away While I think of you this Christmas Day, and four additional Tines by Bertha J. Cle- mans. Size 9)4x7j4 inches. In cream and brown. Ready for hanging. Boxed, ready for mailing. W e will sell these for 15 cents each; two for 25 cents; ten for $1.00. Send your orders to -
W e have some exceptionally beautiful post cards in very heavy cardboard, gilt, edges. Six different styles, designed by M. M. Jamieson, Jr. Gateway series. Ornamented in mosaic. Six different cen tral pictures : Christ and the Seven Candle sticks; Mary and the Infant Jésus; The Christ Child in the Clouds; .The Baby Jesus and the Wise Men; The Shepherds and the Star; A Treè Cross among Foliage. Two for 5 cents; twelve for 25 cents. Another style, similar to the above. Heavy cardboard. Gilt edges. Fancy let tering in bright colors. Not gaudy—in very good taste. Christmas greetings and Scrip ture passages. Two for 5 cents; twelve for 25 cents. Heavy post cards, with gilt edges. ' The Holy Family and the Three Wise Men— cblored picture covering nearly the entire card. Greeting under the picture: May Christmas bring you peace. Two for 5 cents; twelve for 25 cents. Mildmay Greeting Cards. Twelve fold ing cards with sketches by F. A. R. Christ mas greeting, appropriate poetry, and Scripture passages. Four different pack ages. Some people cannot be suited with anything excepting the “ Mildmay” cards, because they are in such exquisite taste. ' 50 cents per package of 12 cards. Keswick Series. Abiding in Thee. Six folding cards with landscapes on new Yel lowstone boards, platemarked. Leaflets with verses by Charlotte Murray, and Scripture Texts. Cards, 10 cents each; or 50 cents per package of 6. Keswick Series. “God Bless You.” Six folding cards with illuminated scroll bor der, and Scripture Texts. Leaflets with choice verses and texts. Cards, 10 cents each; or 50 cents per package of 6. W e have a large assortment o f hand- painted folding cards tied with silk cord, with envelopes. Christmas greetings, ap propriate verses by A. M. S., and Scripture texts. These we will furnish at the rate of 2 for 5 cents; 12 for 25 cents; $1 per 100.
THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California
536-558 South Hope Street
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