King's Business - 1916-12



R E V E L A T I O N 1 0 c f s FOUR SHEETS FOR TEN CENTS I f lH - c v A Lesson Sheet Each Week for 20 Weeks for $1.00 J -U L l 3 . A RARE OCCAS I ON T1>e Sunday School Lessons for December present a rare thing. Have you noticed it? Three oi the lessons for that month are taken from the Book of Revelation. The vast majority of the denominational lesson helps are post-millennial, and will deal with these lessons in spiritualized fashion only, obscuring the real teaching. tVni?n BibleSeminary, of Westfield, Indiana, Jias prepared a Correspondence Course of study on the Book of Revelation, pre-millennial and undenominational in character. Read their special offer as given below: y

FOUR SHEET OFFER Four Sheets for 10 Cents

TWENTY SHEET OFFER A Lesson Sheet Each Week for 20 Weeks for $1 For the best understanding of the three les­ sons included in the International Sunday School Lessons . for December a study of the whole Book of Revelation is essential. We therefore urge that all who can do so subscribe for the twenty-sheet course in full. The pastor of a thriving church in New Jer­ sey writes of this course: “I want to tell you that it is the best work on Revelation that has come into my hands, and I have been studying prophecy for the past 12 years. The most strik­ ing feature to my mind is its simplicity.” This pastor sends with his letter the second dollar to begin the other twenty-sheet course in Bible Prophecy we issue, covering the Bible prophetically from Genesis to Revelation. Ask for a sample sheet of that course if you want to see what our work is like.

As a special aid^ to Sunday School teachers and scholars we will send sheets 1, 2,N 3 and 19 of the twenty-sheet course at one time for Ten Cents in coin, and the names of five Sunday School teachers or officers. These four sheets cover chapters 1, 2, 3, 21 and part of 22 of the Book of Revelation, thus covering all the text of the December Revela­ tion lessons in the International series and con­ siderably more. Just take an ordinary sheet of paper, write on it plainly the names and addresses of five persons you know to be at present occupying the position of Sunday School teacher or officer, wrap a dime carefully in a piece of paper and send to the address below. By return mail you will receive the four lesson sheets mentioned above.

Add Fifteen Cents for “A Primer of Prophecy,” by Wm. M. Smith, Address all correspondence to UNION BIBLE SEMINARY, Westfield, Indiana “The King’s Business” an d “Our Hope” The Two Magazines Both One Year to One Address for $1.50

To Foreign Subscribers $2.00




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