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)08.6$)'035)&/&86$133&4*%&/$& GREGG CHAMBERLAIN

NO LICENCE A 55-year-old man from Ottawa is char- ged with driving while his licence was suspended and with refusing to take a breathalyzer test. The charges resulted from a November 7 afternoon incident on Landry Road in Clarence Creek. His licence was suspended on-site for 90 days and his vehicle impounded for seven days. He is scheduled to appear in provincial court in L’Orignal November 27.– Gregg Chamberlain EXCÈS DE VITESSE Un jeune homme de Rockland a été arrêté à la suite d’un contrôle radar de la police sur la route de comté 17, le 26 octobre vers 3 h 30 du matin. Il a été accusé en vertu du Code de la route d›avoir conduit à une vitesse excessive. Le permis de conduire du chauffeur de 21 ans a été suspendu pendant sept jours et son véhicule saisi pour une période de sept jours. – Gregg Chamberlain

The comfort and living standards for seniors living in the new Prescott- Russell Residence will take priority over penny-pinching budget planning for the project. The United Counties of Prescott and Rus- TFMMDPVODJM 6$13 WPUFE EVSJOHJUT/PWFN - ber 13 committee of the whole session, to go with Option 2 instead of the basic design for the new Prescott-Russell Residence, when construction begins on the project next year. A few members of UCPR council expressed concern about the need for three budget scenarios for the project when consultant Andrew Rodrigues of Colliers International presented an update on the project. i8FIBWFOUHPUUIFQSPKFDU DPOTUSVDUJPO  started yet,” said Mayor Guy Desjardins PG$MBSFODF3PDLMBOE iBOEZPVSFBMSFBEZ UFMMJOHVTXFSFHPJOHUPOFFENPSFNPOFZ 

Voici la conception d’un artiste, de la nouvelle Résidence Prescott- Russell sur la rue Spence, à Hawkesbury, lorsqu’elle sera construite. Les maires des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell essaient toujours de déterminer le cout final du projet. —graphique fourni par Colliers International

You were given a budget by the counties. 8IZDBOUZPVHPCZUIFCVEHFU u The UCPR hired Colliers as project manager for the new PR Residence project. 3PESJHVFTTVNNBSJ[FEUIFDPNQBOZTXPSL so far on the project, including dealing with provincial government officials over gua- rantees of funding support for the project. Rodriguez noted that the project must meet specific provincial standards for minimum acceptable room sizes for senior tenants at the new retirement home, building safety, and other concerns. Colliers has also been working with an advisory committee, which the UCPR set for the project, and has tried to determine what the cost would be UPJODMVEFTPNFPGUIFDPNNJUUFFTSFDPN - mendations in the overall building design. How much for the project? Total cost for the project is more than $75 million for a 224-bed facility, but the provincial government will cover about 30 per cent of the total project construction cost. The UCPR plans to finance its share of the project through an Infrastructure Ontario loan, over a 25-year period. The base case annual budget scenario for the UCPR, for paying back the loan, is about $7.4 million each year. If some or all PGUIFDPNNJUUFFTTVHHFTUJPOTCFDBNFQBSU of the final project design, it would mean an extra $3.5 million to $5 million added to the total project cost. That would push up UIF6$13TBOOVBMMPBOSFQBZNFOUQMBOUP between $8 million and about $8.1 million over 25 years.

Both Rodrigues and UCPR Chief Admi- nistrator Stéphane Parisien emphasized that council has the final say about whe- ther to stick with the base case project cost scenario, or to agree to either Option 1 or Option 2, which would include some PSBMMPGUIFBEWJTPSZDPNNJUUFFTEFTJHO recommendations. “This is not a slash-and-burn (plan) done by the design committee,” said Rodrigues. “This is a long, detailed process where we had a first estimate, then a second, and OPXBUIJSE uBEEFE1BSJTJFOi/PXXFOFFE DPVODJMTEJSFDUJPOXIFUIFSPSOPUUPHPXJUI a fourth estimate.” Parisien also noted that the new Resi- dence facility will have a working lifespan of at least four decades. Allowing for a little extra expense now, he observed, for the DPNGPSUBOECFOFàUPGUIFGBDJMJUZTSFTJEFOUT  could mean not having to deal with potential FYQFOTJWFSFOPWBUJPOTJOUIFGVUVSFi8FBSF making a decision here that will last for 40 years,” he said. Mayor Pierre Leroux of Russell Township noted that the UCPR is already committed to financing the project at the base case level. He urged council to accept the Option 2 scenario, which includes all the advisory DPNNJUUFFTTVHHFTUJPOT CFDBVTFiJUJTOPU even a one per cent increase to our budget.” $PVODJMBQQSPWFE.BZPS-FSPVYTSFDPN - mendation. UCPR administration will provide council with more detailed information on the option and its impact, when the subject comes back to council for final review and EFDJTJPOBUJUT/PWFNCFSTFTTJPO


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