
THEY UNDERSTAND THE POWER OF LEVERAGE: Money isn’t the only determining factor when buying a home. Sometimes homeowners are motivated by something else, and the smartest investors will uncover their needs. Leverage those needs when you’re making your pitch. Good investors will figure out what the owner wants and find out a way to give it to them. THREE MISTAKES TOAVOIDWHEN STARTINGAHOUSE-FLIPPING BUSINESS Sometimes knowing what not to do is just as import - ant as knowing what to do. Here are four mistakes we see over and over again from beginning investors. Make sure you avoid them! NO. 1 HAVING INSUFFICIENT FUNDS Insufficient funds are perhaps the most common mistake new investors make. Whether it’s underes - timating a project or simply not being able to secure capital in the first place, insufficient funds will derail a deal faster than just about anything else. Secure sturdy relationships with those who have quick access to capital and keep them up to date on your deals. NO. 2 HAVING NO TIME Give this business your full attention or close to it. Flipping takes a lot of time—especially as you get started—which means those who can’t commit will find success hard to come by.

NO. 3 LACK OF EDUCATION We started with education and we’ll end with it too. It’s just that important. Learning your industry is invaluable and can unlock nearly limitless potential. But many investors start out with a book or seminar and expect success. It takes more. Much more. Find an expert who’s willing to work with you on the basics. Learn everything you can. Keep learning and keeping up with rules and regulations. Doing so will help avoid the avoidable mistakes. YOUR NEXT STEP In short, here are your priorities—education, relation - ships, and capital. You should work on them in that order. The good news is that lenders offer all three. That’s because we’re passionate about helping you get start - ed on the right track, because we know that a healthy start means the beginning of a long-lasting and fruitful relationship. At InstaLend we’ll even set up a free consul - tation to answer your questions and give you resources to launch your business, with no strings attached. And because we want to be as accessible as possible, you can even call our Founder at 929-523-8947. If you’re ready to set yourself up for success, give us a call. •


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