Purpose Study Guide


How Grace Works 1

Q. What does God’s grace produce? A. A heart of love, a life of shalom.

How does it produce these?

Grace is when God does something for us that we can’t do for ourselves. God creates us to be both recipients of grace that blesses us, and transmitters of grace that blesses others. God creates this world to be the Place where we receive and transmit grace, where we build up hearts of love that lead to lives of shalom that produce Good Places. God fills this world with things that God will use in our lives (tools, means of grace). God uses these things (tools, means of grace) to build up our hearts of love, lives of shalom, and Good Places.

That’s how God’s side works. On our side, it works when we

choose to participate in this,

when we choose to seek out and participate in God’s life of grace, when we choose to allow God to work in and through our lives. It’s a choice. It’s our choice. God sovereignly chooses to allow us to choose to do what God doesn’t want us to do.


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