

Improvement for All


ommunity is one of the often-over-

there. That is hap- pening with Abreu’s properties. Read more about his investing ventures on page 14. Also in this issue, Char-

looked building blocks of real estate. One part of Think Realty’s mission is to empower real estate investors with the mindset and

lie Einsmann shows how to analyze subdevelopments in certain markets, Marla Roberds tackles the gentrification debate, and Michael Zuber shares his latest creative approach to improving community within his group of investors. That’s just a hint at what’s inside this issue. As this year is wrapping up, the Think Realty team has already out- lined plans for next year. Read about some big changes coming to Think Realty Magazine on page 9. If you have story ideas or want to write for us, please reach out. In the mean- time, keep being kind to one another and keep building better communities through your investment strategies. •

knowledge to build and rehab commu- nities. Think of all the people you can help and home values you can raise through your real estate deals! Still, community is a cornerstone of REI that often remains in the background of the industry. And so, this month’s theme is Community Development. Cover person, Jorge Abreu, is busy making waves in the multifamily space but also has a construction company, which helps him build com- munities, literally and figuratively. His goal is to build better communities, not just better properties. It says a lot when residents like where they live so much that they tell others to move

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