While the outlook for businesses may vary by industry, we all need to consider what recovery looks like in the “new normal.” Having a solid post-COVID-19 strategy will help you to rebuild and get back on track. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the future. Create a Touch-Free Environment Though no one likes to think about it, we encounter potentially infected surfaces every day. Therefore, it makes sense that the less we touch surfaces, the less Though no one likes to think about it, we encounter potentially infected surfaces every day. Therefore, it makes sense that the less we touch surfaces, the less likely those germs are to spread. Products to help you go touch-free: T uch-free urinals and toilets Touch-free towel dispensers likely those germs are to spread. Products to help you go touch-free: Touch-free urinals and toilets Touch-free towel dispensers Touch-free soap dispensers and faucets Touch-free exit or towelettes for handles Touch-free cleaning tools like electrostatic sprayers Kick plates on doors Touch-free soap dispensers and faucets Touch-free exit or tow lettes for handles Touch-fr e cleaning tools like electrostatic sprayers Kick plate on doors Create Your Blueprint for Recovery. How Has Your Business Been Affected? The following are a few activities to consider: Begin long-term budget planning to determine what capital investments need to be made to support your business in the new normal Reconcile how you will adjust for potential increased costs to run the business Review any liability issues with your legal team Ask the following questions: Create Your Blueprint for Recovery. How Has Y ur Business Been Affected? The following are a f w activities to consider: Be in long-term budget plan ing to determine what capital investments need to be made to support your business in the new normal Reconcile how you will adjust for potential increased costs to run the business R vi w any liability issues with your legal team Ask the following quest ons: Have you reduced overhead expenses? Have you lost employees or customers? Have you cut back on resources or supplies? If so, do you have a plan to ramp back up to meet a potential surge in demand? Have you cut back on reso rces o upplies? If so, do you have a plan to ramp back up to meet a potential surge in demand? While the outlook for businesses may vary by industry, we all need to consider what recovery looks like in the “new normal.” Having a solid post-COVID-19 strategy will help you to rebuild and get back on track. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the future. Create a Touch-Free Environment Have you r duced overhead expenses? Have you lost employ es or customers?
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