King's Business - 1929-10

October 1929


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

logical reason for believing that the races of antiquity were descended from the three sons of Noah, just as Genesis says, in both time and location. Such a division of the human family so late in time is absolutely out of harmony with the theory of ape ancestry and successive Piltdown men, Neanderthal men, and all the rest of them. Traditions of other nations corroborate the chronology of Chinese history. Hamurabi, for example, lived about 2100 B. C., and Chaldean history vanishes into darkness just a generation or two earlier. Egyptian history is such a mass of exaggeration and uncertainty that its chronol­ ogy is worthless, but the earliest dates of other ancient nations harmonize well with those two just mentioned. A nc ient H uman R ema ins no P roof of E volution For certain reasons the Cro-Magnon men are particu­ larly interesting. In the American Museum of Natural History there is an ideal head of a Cro-Magnon man in the prime of life. The head is not that of an Eskimo, nor a Hottentot, but apparently of an Aryan, and a Nordic. It is not the face of a brute, but of a thinker, and a man of natural culture. In face and form these Cro-Magnons were marvelously fine. The obvious conclusion, consider­ ing their habitat and features, is that they were actually early Aryans who had migrated westward from Shinar at approximately the same time that the Mongolians started their way eastward. Instead of having lived about 10,000 to 20,000 B. C., they would really have lived 2000 B. C. It is a very logical conclusion. As to the remains of the Piltdown man and other de­ fectives, little need be said. When the skeletons are com­ plete enough to be dependable, the men almost invariably were properly formed men, although a few, like the Neanderthal men, were of a coarse type. The most significant thing about the whole proposition seems to be overlooked and that is, that these defective skulls (or parts of skulls) are not a particle older than far more numerous remains of perfectly formed men. In verification of this assertion I will refer to the latter part of the lecture by R. S. Lull, in “The Evolution of Man,” Yale University Press. In other words, when an­ cient human remains are found they are not held of much account if the skulls have well-formed chins and fore­ heads, but if they are defective in these points or in other ways which suggest relationship to the apes, they are heralded as possible “missing links.” Now, a thing like that is neither scientific nor honest. Again, in the same lecture it is mentioned that human remains are frequently found in America in locations which suggest fully as great antiquity as human remains in the Old World, but American remains are apparently of Indian origin and so of no value in suggesting the origin of mankind. By what right, then, one may ask, are Old World skulls considered older than American skulls or more indicative of man’s origin ? No right what­ ever, it would seem. I might remark, in connection with this time element of human origin, that there is an impressive list of human remains from alleged Pleistocene, or glacial deposits, of Europe, to which different ages are attributed, but these remains are of well-formed men and indicate nothing about any ape ancestry. Then when one stops to think of the complete failure of the scheme of geologic ages and the nightmare of the glacial theory, there is little left to the alleged value of these remains. There is one other very important matter in human history regarding Genesis versus evolution, and that is the widespread traditions of a deluge. I will not now dis­ cuss this deluge matter in detail, but I will simply state

I Know Not I know not what o f trial or of joy May lie before me in the untrod way; But yet I know sufficient grace is mine For each succeeding day. I know not whether there may partings be, The rending of earth’s ties that are so sweet; But this I know, that rest for breaking hearts Is found at Jesus’ feet. I know not whether I shall serve Him where The praise o f man sheds glamour over toil, Or in the lonely field o f faith and prayer, Wait for the share of spoil. I know not—yet I know that He plans all, All that God chooseth is for ever best, And this He gives to those who only seek His will, and in Him rest. — S e l e c t e d . that such deluge traditions could not possibly have de­ veloped; unless there had been a deluge; further that such things as “local” deluges are impossible; a deluge has to be universal if it exists at all. It could not cover the mountains of Greece without covering mountains all over the earth to the same height, nor could it cover China without affecting Europe to the same extent. If there was any deluge, it was universal and there would be no traditions of the deluge, and of Noah and his family, unless there was both a Noah and a deluge. This means Genesis if it means anything, and it cer­ tainly is in definite and extreme conflict with an ape origin of man half a million of years ago, and a succession of men of different stages of development through hundreds of thousands of years. Let us therefore take a bird’s-eye view of the subject and see what we find. Races of antiquity spread out suddenly from the district south of the Caspian Sea just about 2300 B. C., certainly not much earlier and not much later. Such early men were very highly endowed physi­ cally and mentally, and different human strains were so very different from one another in form, color and tem­ perament, that they must have separated while each group was very few in number. (Otherwise they would have merged until they were of a' common type.) Also, in connection with the remains of alleged ape­ like defectives, the more ape-like are the more fragmen­ tary and incomplete remains, while complete remains are those of real men. Even more striking is the fact that as far as location is concerned the remains of well- formed men are just as ancient and far more numerous than the remains of defective men. All of that provides poor material from which to build the theory of an ape origin for mankind. If men are descended from apes, they certainly would not survive for half a million years and reach the stand­ ard of the Cro-Magnon men, only to die out completely, save a few families who suddenly would spread out and dominate the earth. Rather than accept a theory like that a man will be ten times the scientist and ten times the clear-thinking, reasonable man if he will take the Genesis record as correct and accurate. No other solution is possible.

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