King's Business - 1929-10


October 1929

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

demanding a cancellation of the Balfour Declaration. Should the League of Na­ tions accede to this demand it would in­ volve the signatories to the Versailles Treaty in endless complications. Hence another world upheaval could possibly grow out of the present situation, should the Moslem world continue its demands. On the other hand, it is quite possible that the trouble may be settled amicably by the League of Nations. Regardless of whether the question, is settled by arbitration or by the sword, the Jew is, according to the Scriptures, the rightful owner of Palestine. If the writer should hazard a prediction he would be inclined to say that the outcome of the

present situation will finally confirm the Jewish claim and will eventually speed up developments for setting the stage for the final act of the end of the age.

pleased I am to command this particular boat; and my passengers seem very happy to be under the care of their only co-re­ ligionist employed in such a position by the Lloyd Triestino Company. My boat is called Adria, it is 6,500 tons, beautifully fitted up, with elegant and most comfort­ able first and second class accommoda­ tions. The third class also has good, airy cabins, baths, and a roomy deck. “Having frequently met Americans go­ ing to Palestine, I wonder whether it would not suit many of them to use this boat. I need hardly say that I always do my best to them in every way and more particularly if they come to me with a let­ ter from the B’nai B’rith.’’ In the American Hebrew of June 21 appears a long article on “Preaching Ju­ daism in the Streets.” This article tells of the founding of a society called “Zera- havrhom” (seed of Abraham), for the purpose of preaching the faith and prin­ ciples of Judaism in the open air. Its founder is Sabin Orgler, who, with two youthful helpers, was to preach on certain street corners in New York, beginning June 24 and lasting until August 1. This movement has as its object the reviving of interest of Judaism in the hearts of the young people of Jewry. Resolutions favoring the introduction of Hebrew as a choice of languages in high schools of the country, and approv­ ing the recognition of Hebrew as a credit by colleges, were passed at the 17th annual convention of the United Syna­ gogue in New York City. Dr. Elias L. Solomon installed Nathan Levy of New York as President, to succeed S. Herbert Golden. Prayer Bulletin A weekly Prayer and Praise Bulletin is issued by the Jewish Department of the Bible Institute. All who are led to pray for the Jewish people are invited to send in their names and addresses and they will receive this bulletin. Hearing the Will. Through A certain wayward young man ran away from home and was not heard of for years. In some way, hearing that his father had just died, he returned home and was kindly received by his mother. The day came for the reading of the will; the family were all gathered together, and the lawyer commenced to read the document. To the great surprise of all present the will told in detail of the way­ ward career of the runaway son. The boy in anger arose, stamped out of the room, left the house, and was not heard from for three years. When; eventually he was found he was informed that the will, after telling of his waywardness, had gone on to bequeath to him $15,000. How much sorrow he would have been saved if he had only heard the reading through 1 Thus many people ‘Only half read the Bible iind turn from it dissat-‘ isfied. The old Book says, "The wages of sin is death.’’ Yea, verily, but it says more; it says, “but the gift of God is eternal life.”—Selected.

— o — Jewish News Notes

In the June issue of B’nai B’rith Mag­ azine appears the following letter from a Jewish sea captain, which is of interest: "Sir: “I am the captain of a boat serving the new passenger line to Palestine, and it is especially meant to transport our pioneers to their new homes. You can imagine how

This song is taken fronSLaljiewsolo' book, "Gospel Message Solos," compiled by Herbert G. Tovey and published by the Biola Book Room, 536 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California. Down Deep In Jesus’ Love. C. C. B. . Bass Solo Carlton C. Buck Har. H. G. T. It = 8 = m » p | 1. I had strayed from Christ, my Sa-viour, I was sink - ing 2. When I heark-ened to His plead-ing, Turn - ing back that am glad that Je - sus found me, I re-joice He 3. I


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* 4 f * £ £ £ is blest.

-m- -m- -é- "3Ì- '■ in Je - sus’love, There my life ¡ f i ♦

Copyright, 1929, by Carlton C. Buck

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