King's Business - 1929-10

October 1929


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Fun With Paper Folding B y W m . D. M urray and F rancis J. R igney To allay restlessness, to cheer the sick and afflicted, to fascinate children, and to interest and entertain both young and old, the ability to make various simple objects by folding sheets of paper is all that one requires. “But,” you may say, “I have no paper-folding ability.” No matter, all you need is this book and some plain white paper. Under the wizardry of the au­ thors’ easily followed instructions, a plain square of paper becomes successively a Chinese “junk,” a ball, a rooster that flaps his wings, a cake basket, a motor boat, a fish that opens its mouth, a dog, a frog, and an almost unlimited number of other interesting objects. Profusely illustrated with charts showing each required fold, and complete with directions that will enable almost anyone to become proficient in the art and equipped to furnish amus­ ing entertainment for hospitals, sanitar­ iums, kindergarten work, junior classes, and “shut-ins" everywhere. 96 pages. 9J4 x 6^2 inches. Revell. Cloth. Price $2.00. Postage 13 cents. The purpose of this book is to convince its readers that the coming of the Lord seems to be very near at hand. The au­ thor has made no attempt to set dates, but he shows that, according to certain clearly defined signs given in the Bible, “these things” have at least begun to come to pass, We recommend this volume to all who desire to learn more about the Lord’s return. The entire subject is covered in a most comprehensive manner, and Christians who read this book will be encouraged to look up to the heavens for their deliverance through the coming of our Lord and Saviour that now seems to be very near at hand. 405 pages. 7j£ x 5j4 inches. The Worker Trustees. Cloth. Price $2.25. Postage 25 cents. Paper. Price $1.75. Postage 13 cents. Here is a volume of inestimable value to preachers and students—a veritable treasury of Scripture knowledge and a complete classification of Scripture texts, in the form of an alphabetical index of Subjects. Every subject will be found in it which has a place in the Sacred Vol­ ume, .whether Doctrinal, Devotional, Prac­ tical, Ecclesiastical, Historical, Biograph­ ical, or Secular. And the names of every person and place connected with any his­ torical event are given. Among the sub­ jects are some of considerable importance which do not appear in any other cyclo­ pedia. The author devoted more than seven years of his leisure time to the compilation of this work and used the utmost care to secure fulness and ac­ curacy, and to make the book a complete and original index to the Bible. 524 pages. 8^2 x Zy 2 inches. Pickering & In­ glis. Cloth. Price $2.50. Postage 25 cents. — o — Signs Showing the Return of the Lord to be Near at Hand B y R ev . W. L amb — o — Cyclopedia of Bible Texts and Subjects B y J ames I nglis

Narrative Dialogues from the Bible B y A lfred C legg This volume should prove a decidedly helpful asset to day-school and Sunday- school teachers. The author well knows that fresh interest is imparted to a Bible story when young people are taught to represent the actual characters therein, so he has arranged one hundred and eleven of the most absorbing Bible stories 'in dialogue form. In some instances whole books have been Condensed into a single dialogue. The wide range of selection makes it possible to choose a dialogue for every special occasion. For effective indi­ vidual reading in public, ministers, super­ intendents, and day-school teachers will find it a great convenience to have these stories thus arranged for them. 296 pages. 7 ji x 5 y 2 inches. Doran. Cloth. Price $2.00. Postage 13 cents. —o— The Sunday School Transformed B y Louis E ntzminger A truly substantial contribution to the literature of Sunday-school development. The entire purpose of this work is to set forth in plain language the explanation of tried and tested plans, methods, records and forms for the Sunday-school worker. The use of this material will encourage every member and pupil to attend regu­ larly—be on time—bring Bible—bring of­ fering—bring other pupils—have lesson prepared—.stay for church—accept Christ. And it works for small schools—or large. 180 pages. 7J4 x 5% inches. Sunday School Times. Cloth. Price $1.50. Post­ age 13 cents. Another charming and wholesome novel by the author of “Blue Ruin,” “Crimson Roses,” etc., and one of the best of the many romances she has written. It has for its heroine a young girl who worked in the office of a big construction com­ pany. Philip Duskin, a young construc­ tion engineer, was employed by the same firm. Enemies of the company tried to prevent the completion of one of Duskin’s jobs—a large office building—on the cer­ tain date specified in the contract. How they almost succeeded, and how their plot was discovered and defeated by Carol is told in a manner that will hold your interest from beginning to end, Ro­ mance and thrilling experiences combine to make this an exceptionally good book. 304 pages, 7^4 x 5 inches. Lippincott. Cloth. Price $2.00. Postage 15 cents. —o— The Making of a Teacher B y M artin G. B rumbaugh , P h .D., LL.D. In the light of our church-school needs today, this volume presents what seems to be the most needed elements of guidance for Sunday-school teachers that expe­ rience and study can provide. Going on the premise that all good teaching is methodic, the distinguished author sets forth clearly and simply the methods, which have proved most successful in helping inexperienced men and women become efficient teachers, and helping ex­ Duskin B y G race L ivingston H ill



perienced teachers become more efficient. It is a pleasure to recommend this book to those who are anxious to help extend the kingdom of Christ. 350 pages. 7j4 x 5J4 inches. Sunday School Times. Cloth. Price $2.00. Postage 25 cents. Putting the Church on the Full Time Basis B y A, W. B evan , D.D. In response to requests from pastors throughout the United States, Dr. Bevan has here assembled the results of his ex­ periments in testing newer methods in re­ ligious education and church management while pastor of the Lake Avenue Baptist Church, Rochester, New York. He has written a most provocative and helpful book for the alert minister and the active layman. It covers thoroughly, entertain­ ingly and exhaustively the important sub­ jects bf “Work with Youth” and “Gen­ eral Clinical Experiments in Churclj Ad­ ministration.” 242 pages. 7J4 x 5 inches. Doran. Cloth. Price $2.00. Postage 13 cents. — o — 1 Making the Bible Desired B y DbRbTHY DlCKINSbN BARBbUR The task of enlisting the pupil’s active interest in the materials of religion, is discussed in this volume in a very read­ able fashion by one who knows the sub­ ject. This book was originally written to fit the needs of teachers of religion in China, but in preparing it for wider use it has been largely rewritten. The stories and suggestions, however, still deal main­ ly with China. The author shows how the child can be led to approach the Bible eagerly through his own problems and experiences. She outlines her methods with great clarity and then supplies the reader with a score of instances in which the method has worked successfully. This

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