King's Business - 1929-10


October 1929

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

book will convey to many a quite new im­ pression of the intelligence and vigor with which missionaries of today are at­ tacking their problems. More than that, it will help to clarify issues, and stimu­ late many to better teaching. ISO pages. 7J4 x Syi inches. Doran. Cloth. Price $1.50. Postage 13 cents. — o — Renee was the third daughter of the eight children of Colonel Paul van Ber- cham. Very early in life she was drawn to God and soon entered the Master’s service. Throughout the World War she served as a hospital nurse, and soon after her marriage at the close of the war, both she and her husband were called to the mission fields of India. This book is a touching record of her beautiful life, and consists almost entirely of extracts from her own letters—very simple and natural, but full of faith and love, and of devo­ tion to the service of her Lord. 128 pages. 7*4 x 5 inches. Morgan & Scott. Board. Price 75 cents. Postage 8 cents. Studies in the Book of Revelation B y R ev . W. L amb This book is just what the title of it indicates—a series of studies in the book of Revelation—and it is, undoubtedly, one of the clearest, most logical and most in­ formative volumes on the subject that has yet appeared in print. The author’s pur­ pose has been to express everything so simply that the book of Revelation might be understood by everyone, and to direct the attention of the Lord’s servants to what He would show them. We heartily recommend this volume to the earnest consideration of every Christian—particu­ larly to pastors and students of the Word. 356 pages. 7}4 x 5 inches. The Worker Trustees. Cloth. Price $2.00. Postage 25 cents. Paper. Price $1.25. Postage 13 cents. A Child of the Morning M emoirs and L etters of R en ee D e B onoit

The person of Christ is referred to in a strikingly suggestive way: “Abstract the oxygen from the hydrogen and there is no water, abstract His deity from His manhood and there is no Jesus.” The highest praise of Jesus as man but not God is the heinous offense of faint praise. The chief message of this book con­ cerns the return of the Son of God to es­ tablish the kingdom of God on earth. In this the author sees the only answer to the prayer, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” What is the alternative to His coming? What other prospect is there of having the kingdom of God upon this earth? To­ ward this great event everything is now tending. In the discovery and applica­ tion of scientific principles and mechan­ ical applications the author sees the pre­ paratory work for this great coming event. The closing chapters of the book deal with the Signs of the Times—the Up­ heavals of Nature, Moral Conditions, the Jews in Palestine, and the Modern Policy of Nations. These chapters are replete with facts and supply much valuable in­ formation. The author’s familiarity with human affairs and human events of world-wide importance, and her insight into their spiritual significance as viewed in the light of Holy Scripture, are striking. No one can read the chapter on the Up­ heavals of Nature without a stirring of the emotions and a strengthening of the convictions concerning the fulfillment of Christ’s words relative to “the end time.” Very few people have any adequate idea of the frequency and force of these shocks in nature that we call earthquakes. “Nature’s disturbance has gone crescendo, especially since the end of 1925.” The chapter on the Jews in Palestine is as in­ teresting as it is enlightening. “Zionism is the sign of all signs of Messiah’s com­ ing.” The Balfour declaration and the return of the Jews to Palestine is re­ garded by our author as the outstanding event in present-day fulfillment of He­ brew prophecy. “Already more Jews have returned to Palestine than in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah, yet the Bible makes very much of that return.” Among the books dealing with human affairs and historical events viewed in the light of Scripture, the book will take first place. It is a book for both Christians and Jews and deserves a place in the li­ brary of thinking people everywhere. Published by Harper Brothers. Price $2.50.

Seeing the Future B y Ç hristabel P a n k h u r st , LL.B. Reviewed by Dr. John C. Page How shall we interpret human life and human history? Shall it be in terms of divine intervention or of human' evolu­ tion? This book answers the question in a most convincing manner. On the basis of evidence gathered from various sources of knowledge, the author reaches the conclusion that the desire of the ages, the reign of righteousness and peace, the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth, can be realized only by another intervention of- God in the return of Christ as earth’s rightful King. It is almost impossible to read this book without marking the many trenchant sen­ tences and suggestive paragraphs that characterize it and reveal the insight of the author into truth' and spiritual reality. The mistaken notion that theology must be based on the shifting foundation of natural science is corrected, and its ab­ surdity shown in the opening chapter, from which the following quotation is taken: “To square theology with nine­ teenth-century science was attempted and then the twentieth century revolutionized science! In the last edition of the Ency­ clopedia Britannica it was necessary for Professor A. A. Millikan to deal with twenty-one fundamental discoveries orig­ inated within the short space of fifteen years, working a change in thought so stupendous, as he says, that hardly one basic idea about the nature of the uni­ verse, about matter and energy, about life and mind but has been transformed.” In discussing the importance of proph­ ecy the author asserts that verified pre­ diction supplies scientific truth of Chris­ tianity, and that verified prediction as scientific method was first resorted to by God long before our human scientists were born or thought of. As proof of His revelation God offers prediction which He knows will be fulfilled. The prophetic prediction historically fulfilled brings God within the sphere of rational knowledge and demonstrates His pres­ ence and power.

Combination Offer on Book o f the Month Seeing th e F u tu re...... .......$2.50 The King*s Business.. ....... 1.25 T h e Two for .............. .......$3.00



Thinking Through the Scriptures BY DR. WM. P. WHITE PRESIDENT Bible Instituteof Los Angeles ------------------------- - U SE

Prophetic Pictures In the Bible BY REV. WM. H. PIKE SECRETARY Evening School



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