King's Business - 1929-10

October 1929


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

him that waits upon Jehovah have been an encouragement to countless numbers of souls. This experience is closely asso­ ciated with that of Jacob at Peniel (see verse 27). Jacob had had a remarkable conversion, though followed by a very up- and-down experience. Grateful as he was for the blessing received and the change of his name, he felt something lacking; he longed to know the name and new power. Until the name of the Almighty God is revealed to the soul, there will be but failure, trouble and disaster. Of what use is it to be told that we have power with God, unless we know, by divine reve­ lation and experimental grace, that the God with whom we have power is the Almighty God? Oh, let us see to it that the desire of faith takes no rest and no refusal until the full revelation has been vouchsafed to our eager soul.— A. Paget Wilkes. — o — October 26— "In all thy ways acknowl­ edge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:6). How may we be brought to experience, in the fullest measure, the guidance of our God all through our lives? The con­ ditions on which alone, as it appears to me, such a benefit can be enjoyed, are these: 1. First of all, there must be the real, hearty desire on our part, to know and do God’s will. God cannot, so to speak, entrust Himself, or His mind and thoughts, to those who are not willing to obey and follow Him. 2. There must be the faith to trust ourselves to His guid­ ance, whithersoever it may lead us. There must be a faith which not only emboldens us to ask, but also to look for the answer and to follow it. 3. The third and last condition is patience to watch and wait upon God to reveal His will to us, when and as He sees fit. “I will stand upon my watch,” says the prophet Habakkuk, “and set me upon, the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me.” There are times when we must do the same—when, instead of acting, it is our duty to wait and watch till we get the needed word. Why may not this habit of continual watchfulness become, as other habits be­ come, as easy to us as the breath we draw, so that we shall not so much as think about it, but be ever using the divine grace which the bounty of God has given us for gaining fresh knowledge of the Lord’s will, fresh guidance amid the in­ tricate paths of life?— Canon T. D. Har­ ford Battersby. — o — October 27— “For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succor them that are tempted” (Heb. 2: 18). There are corners in your heart that no human eye can see ; there are trials that no human friend can help you bear ; there are perplexities and longings which you can never explain to an earthly friend. But Jesus knows, He understands, He loves, and He wants to help and com­ fort. “He knows the bitter, weary way, The endless striving day by day, The souls that weep, the souls that pray— He knows it all.

E L IZ A B E T H M. THOM PSON Formerly a Teacher—Now a “shut-in.” Subscription agent for all Publications, Renewals or New Subscriptions. List magazines desired. Write or phone for further in­ formation. State whether new or renewal and when to begin. Make check or money order to Elizabeth M. Thompson. 1601 W. 22nd St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone BE. 9279

Th is is W h a t a S am p le C opy Does “Recently I ran across a copy of T h e K ing ’ s B u sin e ss and I found it a real spiritual bless­ ing to myself, so am wishing to subscribe for myself as well as for two of my friends." Names of prospective sub­ scribers will be appreciated. Send us a list today.

T O W E R . C H I M E S A hymnal program In the morning, old favorites at sun- down, curfew at night—the sweet, lingering, eagerly-awaited voicefrom the belfry that brings new prestige and in- R GSSC39I fluence to the The press of a button, or the setting of a Master Clock, fills the air with the most in­ spiring music in Christen­ dom. A living tribute—the Me­ morial Sublime. Price, $4875up. Literature on request. J . C . D EA GA N , Inc., 191 Deagan Building, Chicago WORKERS TOGETHER WITH GOD The Great Commission “Go . . . . . Preach.” A Vital Question “ How shall they preach except they be sent?” God the Father sends Jesus Christ the Son shares in the sending “ As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” The Holy Spirits calls and prepares for sending “ Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. In all the sending the Church o f Christ has a vital part by Informing its members of neëds and conditions in world-wide fields. Promoting entire consecration to God for serv­ ice wherever He chooses. Praying with earnest supplication and inter­ cession for the saints, and'especially for those who preach the Gospel where Christ is not known. Giving regularly and liberally for sending workers to the fields and for their support and expenses in the mission fields. T he. Christian' and Missionary Alliance is preaching the Gospel according to. Christ’s com­ mand in tw enty fields throughout the world among Pagans, Mohammedans, and others. Many additional tribes should be entered as soon as men and money are available. **Pray ye therefore ” THE CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 260 WEST 44th STREET, NEWYORK, N. Y. “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, th at he will send forth laborers into his • harvest.”

He could only wait until they returned to simple reliance upon Himself. In return­ ing to trust and rest they should be saved. At first they said, “No.” They were op­ posed to the idea of simple trust in God. It seemed impossible to believe that if they simply rested on Him He would do better for them than their most strenuous exertions for themselves. And all the while God was waiting till every expedient failed, and they were reduced to such a condition that He could step in and save them. How like this is to much in our lives ! We will trust in horses and char­ iots, and ride upon the swift; and all the while God has been waiting to be gra­ cious, waiting till you came to the end of yourself, waiting till, like the spent strug- gler in the water, you ceased from your mad efforts and cast yourself upon His strong everlasting love. Blessed are they that wait for Him. The soul that waits for God will always find the God for whom he waits. — o — October 24— “With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation” (Isa. 12:3). Salvation, in wells. In Jesus there are wells of salvation and blessedness. Do you want sympathy? Draw it from His tears. Courage? It resides in the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Purity? It is His lifeblood. Peace? He is the Prince of Peace, the Son of Peace. There is no quality or grace of the soul which has not its well of supply in the divine Man­ hood of our Lord. But we must draw. Faith is the bucket which we let down in the fulness of the divine supply. Not simply the general belief that God does answer prayer, but the specific and par­ ticular belief that God has answered the prayer for some special needed grace, and that it is yours. Believe that ye have re­ ceived. Do not look into the dripping bucket of your faith to see if you have received; dare to believe that ye have re­ ceived; and go forth and use what you have, sure that in answer to your appeal you have all sufficiency in all things, that you may abound to every good work. Desires are the pulses of the. soul. We do well, therefore, to test our own heart­ beat by an examination of the intensity of our desires. He that professes an earnest search for God and a desire to find and follow the L a m b whithersoever He goeth, may expect to be tested of the Lord in fashion more than ordinary. In the fortieth chapter of Isaiah’s prophecy, the promises made by the Holy Ghost to October 25— “Tell me, I pray thee, thy name” (Genesis 32:29).

Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4 Octave Double Reed

In order to introduce our LA TE ST MODEL L IB E R T Y PIPE-TO N E FO LDING OR­ GANS, either leatherette cov­ ered, or 3-ply oak case, we will accept for a limited time orders at $43.00 each (list price $70.00). A. L. W H ITE MFG. CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III.

Our new address: 29-31 W . Lake Street ( hi C H U R C H F U R N IT U R E U l Everything fo r Church and Sunday School »—« use. From Factory to You. Finf catalogfree, j j n DeMoulin Bros. 8i Co. jwaj 1151 South 4th St., Greenville, Illinois J ' J

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