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T H E B I O L A H O U R CALIFORNIA Arroyo Grande-San Luts Obispo KÓAG 1280 9:00 A.M. MTWTF Bakersfleld-Wascc KAFY i 550 4:00 P.M. Sun KWSO 1050 9:30 A.M. MTWTF Chico-Paradise KEWQ 930 8:00 A.M. MTWTF Fresno-Dinuba KRDU 1130 8:30 A.M. MTWTF Lodi-Stockton KCVR 1570 8:00 A.M. MTWTF Los Angeles KBBI 107.5 (FM) 8:30 A.M. MTWTF KTYM 1460 9:00 A.M. MTWTF Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER 1390 11:00 A.M. MTWTF KGER 1390 10:30
BROADCASTER Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 7 No. 8 AUGUST, 1967 STAFF President .......... S. H. SUTHERLAND Editor ................... AL SANDERS Production _____ ___ SILL EHMANN Printing .............. CHURCH PRESS Published monthly by the Radio Dept. BIOLA SCHOOLS & COLLEGES 13800 Biola Avenue La Mirada, California 90638 CONTENTS PERSONAL EVANGELISM .. 3 A SEEKING SOUL .......... 4 ARE YOU AVA ILABLE? .... 6 POWER TO W ITNESS — . . 8 D. Stuart Briscoe "TH E BETTER LIFE" — 10 Coy T. Maret TELEVISITATION ............12 HOW TO HAVE A HAPPY HOME ........................ 14 THE SECOND COM ING ....16 CONFRONTATION A N D COMMUN ICAT ION — 19 Hubert Mitchell PANEL DISCUSSIONS ...... 20 PARABLES AN D PEARLS ..25 COLOSSIANS 3:12-4:4 — Lloyd T. Anderson ........ 28 COVER: Mr. Merv Fishback, Executive Administrator of Ari zona Bible College welcomes students from Hawaii to the newly completed dining and classroom facility.
Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KOXR 910 8:00
Redding-Red Bluff KQMS
San Bernardino-Rlverside RACE
1570 9:30 A.M. MTWTF 590 7:30 A.M. Sun. 1080 8:30 A.M. Sun. 8:30 A.M. Sun. (FM)
KFXM Santa Crux
San Diego
8:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 P.M. MTWTF
KBBW 102.9 (FM)
910 4:00 P.M. Sun. 860 8:00 a.m. MTWTF 1100 8:30 A.M. MTWTF
XEMO San Francisco KFAX Santa Maria
1440 10:30 P.M. Sun.
1390 10:30 A.M. MTWTF OREGON
790 8:00
790 3:00 A.M. MTWTF
KW IL Ashland-Medford Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO Portland KW IN
580 8:00 A.M. MTWTF
630 8:30 A.M. MWF
800 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF
93.7 (FM)
Blalne-Vancouver,, B.C.
KARI Seattle-Tacoma
550 8:30
630 11:30
Spokane KCFA
1330 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 1490 8:00 A.M. MWF A.M. MTWTF
Walla Walla KTEL Yakima
KBBO 1390 9:30 (Continued on page 22) Controlled circulation postage paid at La Mirada, California
YOUR CHR ISTIAN W ILL Did you know that there is a way to invest in Biola for fho training of studonfs whilo saving costly estate taxes! Ultimately you may be able to leave more money for your loved ones. As a Fellowship member you are under no obligation when you write for information or counsel. BIOLA STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT
PERSONAL EVANGELISM by D. Stuart Briscoe Torchbearers Fellowship, England
A s we consider the advantages of personal evangelism we cannot overlook the unmistakable fact that it reaches the unreached. How many people today have no real under standing of the basics of the Gospel. They are possessed with doubts and fears, prejudices and superstitions. It is the responsibility of the Church of Jesus Christ, each individual member, to reach these. Since the church can not go as a building it must there fore go as an individual. What do you suppose would happen if every member of your congregation, upon disbursing from church, spread out into different parts of your vicin ity and each talked to one other per son about the Lord? Think what an impact this would have. To be successful, real soul winning must get to the point. I have discov ered that it is possible for an in dividual to have a blind spot to the Gospel. As an example, here is a man who has been attending church for years and yet he is unsaved. An evan gelist or Bible teacher comes to hold meetings and all of a sudden his spir itual need fully dawns on him. All pre conceived prejudices must be broken down in order to win that man for Christ. Perhaps someone has not un derstood a certain aspect of the Gos pel. They are too shy to ask questions which will really help them. No one has bothered to give them a practical witness. If that point can be cleared up it will open the good news for them. As an example, I may have a
problem about Genesis chapter one. There are many people who find them selves in this exact same situation. Since they can’t overcome these basic difficulties they never go any further in the book. John chapter three might do them a world of good but you have to get them to it by answering the other things that bother them. This is the advantage and importance of personal evangelism. As you talk with individuals, diag nose their needs. Find out the true spiritual condition of the one with whom you are counseling. Then bring out all the excuses and objections, pointing the way to the Lord Jesus Christ. As we are faithful we will find that we will obtain results for all eter nity. Carefully study II Timothy 2:2. Here Paul explains the secret of his activity. He tells Timothy to empha size teaching so that he may multiply his efforts as these in turn teach others. Acts 19:8-10 indicates that in the space of two years Paul was instru mental in seeing a continent evange lized in that length of time. If ten people in your church won just one person to Christ this year, at the end of that year there would be 20. If the same thing happened the following year the number would be doubled. Repeated over 10 years and 10,240 would be converted. Personal evange lism is the Lord’s desire for our lives. Let us not fail to engage in it faith fully day by day, and thereby hasten the hour of our Lord’s return. 3
A Seeking Soul
by D. Stuart Briscoe
O ur purpose in these discussions of personal evangelism is to point out the advantages of engaging in such a ministry. This is so that you might be stimulated to reach out, presenting the claims of the Lord Jesus Christ to those with whom you rub shoul ders day by day. Many Christians are fired with enthusiasm throughout the day but somehow they lose interest and drop off along the way. Others may be greatly challenged by some message, rush out to find a “subject” speaking to them about the Lord, only to be disappointed when n o th in g seems to happen. Then, too, they may whither and die when they meet with a rebuff or are insulted. This only happens when people fail to grasp the basic principles of personal evan gelism. The first thing to remember is that God has promised if a soul seeks, that soul will find. Experience teaches us that the vast majority of people who come to know the Lord do so through the instrumentality of another indi vidual. Therefore, at least three people are involved in every conversion: a gracious God, a seeking soul, and a willing worker. The soul who seeks has a tremendous desire to know the truth. He is recognized, understood and led by a gracious God. Someone who is willing and available must be put in contact with this potential convert. If we could only grasp this basic truth it would save a great deal of frustration. We must be in the right place at the right time to meet the right per son in the right way, saying the right thing to gain the right results. This is not a case of our enthusiasm mov ing us out and apprehending people. It is simply Almighty God first of all get ting a grip on us and putting us into contact with the people whom He knows are seeking the light. He is able
to work out His eternal purpose in their lives through us. The book of Acts reminds us that down in Samaria there was a great evangelistic campaign. Acts 8:8 tells us that there were great doings in the city. God speaks to Philip saying, “I have something I want you to do. I want you to leave the crusade and move out of Samaria today.” The Lord told him to go down the road which headed toward the desert. You can imagine the consternation of Philip being told to leave the good meetings and move out into a waste place. How wonderful to hear the testimony about Philip, “He arose and went” (Acts 8:27). He was certainly a will ing worker. He left the obvious and moved out into something that he couldn’t understand. Out in the desert he met a very important man driving along in what would be the equivalent of a Cadillac today. Being invited to ride along with the man of very high standing he discovered that the man was reading the Old Testament. Philip asked this total stranger if he under stood what he read. Since he didn’t he began the Spirit-led explanation. What an amazing series of events. God certainly ordained that all of this should work out. You see, a seeking soul had been recognized by a gracious God who had gotten in contact with a willing worker. The result was true conversion. In Acts nine the principle is re peated. Here we have a man called Saul of Tarsus. He moves along the road toward Damascus. God, who knows that deep down in his heart he is seeking, meets with him. Con version was again the blessed result. In Acts 10 the seeking soul’s name is Cornelius. Our wonderful Lord knew all about him and determined that something had to be done about his need. The Lord had a word with
Peter saying, “I’ve a job for you to do. I want you to go and speak to Corne lius.” Peter probably protested, “He’s a Gentile. Do you want me to go to a Gentile’s house and sit down and eat with him? I can’t go anywhere near that man.” The Lord said, “Listen, Peter, you must learn to do what I tell you.” Peter went. Again, a gra cious God met a very real need. These very same wonderful things are happening today, too. Are you seeking to contact people, leading them to the Lord Jesus Christ? If not, in all probability the reason is simply this : the gracious God, who knows all thé seeking souls, did not find you to be a willing worker. Have you made yourself available? Tell the Lord that you are ready and expect Him to do something. You will never be disap pointed because when God does the organizing, blessing is inevitable. * * * We serve a God who is greater than any of our problems, and bigger than any of our needs. * * *
TRIUMPH IN TRIALS Through the years we have had nu merous physically handicapped young people here in training. It’s always a source of challenge to see how they are so victorious over the humanly dif ficult circumstances. There was a fel low in a wheel chair, paralyzed from the waist down, who was always radi ant and happy for Christ. A student friend asked him, “How is it, having these problems, that you can face your life and the world so confidently ?” His testimony was truly one of faith as he responded, “That’s easy! You see, the disease only touched my legs; it never reached my heart. That belongs to the Lord.” Trials and tribulations come to all of our lives. Yet, with a true knowl edge of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can rejoice, knowing that God’s grace is sufficient for every need. As Scripture tells us, the Lord consoles us in all our problems “that we may be able to com fort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” SELFISHNESS In the Orient there is a familiar sto ry of a man who owned a rice paddy. At a certain season, water was first channeled to him and then on to his neighbors. The irrigation flow covered his area abundantly and in the course of time his field yielded bountifully. The next season, however, this farmer who was selfish wickedly reasoned, “This water means wealth. I was too gen erous in letting it escape to others. This time I’ll keep it all for myself.” Feverishly he built up a dam to im pound the flow so that only a trickle reached his neighbor's. He not only robbed others but also much to his dis may he ruined his own crop. While the water flowed it brought blessing, but when it stood still, stagnation set in and the rice paddy became nothing more than an unfruitful marsh. In the wisdom of the book of Proverbs we read, “There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withhold- eth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.” Paul rightly exhorts us, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” 5
Dr. Ray A. Myers, (right) chairman of the Biola Board of Directors, presents a special resolution to Mr. Thomas E Steele upon his appointment as South American Representative for Biola. After nearly a decade of service in the radio ministry at Biola, Mr. Steele felt called to the mission field and service with HCJB. He wil give reports for both radio and the printed page on behalf of his work in South America for Biola and serves without remuneration.
Are You Available?
by D. Stuart Briscoe
O ur gracious G od knows all about the innermost desires and long ings of the seeking soul. He has prom ised light and understanding to the one who seeks His truth and salva tion. I want to tell you a story to illus trate that this principle works today. It may be an encouragement to you as you go out into the highways and byways, available for th e Lord’s service. Expect Him to put you in touch with the right people. About three years ago I was driving over in Germany headed for Luxem bourg. I saw a man who was obviously English, standing at the side of the road. He wanted a ride so I pulled over. Seeing I was in a German car he asked first of all, “Do you speak English?” I replied wryly, “Yes, a lit tle. Hop in if you like.” He congratu lated me on my English, .admitting it was very good. When he found out I was born and reared in Great Britain he wanted to know what I was doing on the continent. I explained that my purpose was to tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ. Immediately he seemed interested, telling me. “This is a strange thing. I have been pray ing for years. A few minutes before your car came along, I found myself praying. Isn’t that strange? I have been over here on the continent of Eu rope with a friend who is a militant atheist. If anyone ever mentions the word God he will fly into a rage and tell them in no uncertain terms to be quiet. We had a disagreement just a few minutes ago and he went one way and I went the other. About three years ago some friends of mine went away on a holiday. They came back from their hotel and told me some of the things about God that you’re tell ing me now. They couldn’t explain it very well, but one thing I remember they said was that they had been con verted. Would that be the right
word?” I told him it was. He con tinued, “I can see the difference in their lives. They went somewhere in the north of England called Capern- wray Hall.” When I told him that was the place I was from he was amazed. Remember, we were in the middle of Germany. It was more than just mere circumstance that all these things should be happening. I explained, “At the beginning of the day I told the Lord I belonged to Him and that I wanted Him to put me in the right place at the right time. I looked to Him to do something special today, so I wasn't the least bit surprised when I saw you standing there." As a result he came along to Luxembourg with me where I was holding a special meet ing. He was converted through these circumstances. Why ? Here was a seek ing soul whom the grace of God knew all about. Another incident concerns my wife. One day she was to have the car, how ever, I left with the ignition keys and she was delayed for two hours. Finally setting out she prayed, “Lord, you know I’m two hours late already. Just what do you have in mind for the day?” Driving along she saw three girls standing by the side of the road. With three empty seats in the car she picked them up. Since they were Ger man she told them she was going to a meeting where there were lots of Ger mans. They weren’t interested in go ing. They wanted to head for London. She kept persuading them and finally they agreed to go to Capemwray Hall. They liked it so well they stayed over night. The next day when my wife got there one girl said excitedly, “A won derful thing happened last night. In the meeting I heard about the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted Him into my life. I know it is real because He has made a difference in my life already.” Again, a gracious God knew 6
all about a seeking soul. All He needs, remember, is a willing worker. The girl explained further, “Three months ago, as I was sitting in my university lecture hall in Germany studying geol ogy, I arrived at a point of complete despair. I told God that I wasn’t sure He existed. I asked Him to reveal the truth about Himself. I warned him, ‘God, if you don’t do this in three months I’m going to throw up my studies, leave the university, and take my own life.’ Mrs. Briscoe, the three months I gave God to show Himself to me will be over tomorrow.” Isn’t that interesting? Are you letting the Lord work through you? All about are seeking souls who need Christ as Saviour. * * * The Bible that it falling apart utually belongs to a person who isn't. * * * Members of the Biola staff in LaMiradameet
EXPENDABLE FOR GOD It was Jim Elliot, martyred for Christ among the Auca savages of Ecuador more than ten years ago, who declared, “He makes His ministers a flame of fire. Am I ignitable? O Lord, deliver me from the dread asbestos of other things.” Jim w a s completely flamable, in that metaphor, and as a result he, with his four companions, one of whom was a Biola School of Missionary Medicine graduate, gave their lives for the furtherance of the Gospel. As a result, toda/y the Aucas not only have heard the news of Christ, most of them accepting Him as Sav iour, but also have a portion of the Word of God in their own language. JOY IN SORROW On Biola's recent tour to Europe and the Holy Land, people were impressed by the lavish decorations on the tower of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. This was done many years ago by Sir James Thornhill. It was necessary to do his work while he was standing on a swing ing scaffold far above the ground. As he finished a particularly intricate detail one day, he stepped back to examine the results of his painstaking effort. Slowly he moved backward for a bet ter perspective. An associate nearby looked up just in time to see what was happening and realized that should Thornhill take one more step backward he would crash to the earth and die. Yet, if he shouted out a warning, this might frighten him and the same dis aster would result. On a sudden im pulse he took a paint brush and made a sweeping stroke across the exquisite work Thornhill was admiring. The ar tist jumped forward with a cry of dis may, but his life was saved. You can imagine how grateful he was when he learned the reason for the seeming destructive turn. You know, sometimes the Lord allows difficulties to come into our lives, not to hurt us, but rather to draw us closer to the Saviour. The waves of trouble may roll over us, not to drown us, but that we may rely more wholly upon Him. Listen to this blessed promise from Scripture. “Weep ing may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” 7
with several members of the Arizona Bible College administration. Seated are Mr. Paul W. Schwepker (left), vice president and treas urer of Biola, and Mr. Robert Boles, a recent addition to the ABC staff both on the faculty and also as business manager. Mr. Boles is a graduate of Biola College and Talbot Theologi cal Seminary and has gone through school in a wheel chair. Standing are Mr. James Bram- er, Biola controller, and Mr. Merv Fishback, executive administrator of ABC.
Power toWitness
by D. Stuart Briscoe
I T HAS BEEN A REAL JOY to study the subject of personal evangelism with you. The important thing now is to put into practice these vital points for your life and spiritual maturity. Per haps there are some who have already come to know the Lord because you have been willing to be used for His testimony. In I Peter 3:15 we read, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a rea son for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” This one verse outlines in a “nutshell” the prepara tion for personal evangelism. What does it mean to “sanctify the Lord God in your hearts”? First of all you must accept Christ as your personal Saviour. Second, you must ac knowledge Christ as your Lord and Master. Third, you must appropriate Christ as your life. Many of the Lord’s people never really understand what happens when they receive Christ. Yet the practicality is so simple. The Saviour said, “Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in.” John 1:12 assures us quite clearly that “as many as received Him” have eternal life. We actually receive a Person, not some inanimate “thing.” Too often we are so inter ested in all the blessings we receive that we forget that our basic gift is Christ himself. He resides as a living reality in my heart. He comes in the person of His Holy Spirit. In all the power of His resurrection He dwells within me. Too often, too, we are pre pared to accept Christ as our Saviour but not to acknowledge Him as our Lord. In Luke 6:46 we read His pene trating words, “Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” The whole essence of the Lord
ship of Christ is obedience to His commands. In the area of witnessing He has told us to do something spe cific. We are to tell others what we know for ourselves. If we are living ARE YOU WILLING Are you willing today to find victory and peace amid the chaos of the conditions which exist around us? Are you willing to close the book of complaints and open the book of praise? Are you willing to believe that other men are quite as sincere as you are and to treat them with re spect? Are you willing to ignore what life owes you and think of what you owe it? Are you willing to stop looking for friendship and start being friend ly? Are you willing to be content with what you have and to stop wish ing for things you have not? Are you willing to enjoy the simplest things of life and cease striving for the artificial pleasure of the day? Are you willing to forget what you've accomplished and meditate on what others have done for you? Are you willing to cease looking for someone to help you and to de vote yourself to helping others? Are you willing, my friend, to accept Jesus Christ as personal Saviour and to let your life be an outlet for His joy, love and peace? "For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" in disobedience we have no right to call Him Lord. With too many Christians, nothing has really happened since they were saved. Do you know why this is? Sim- 8
ply because they have not learned to appropriate Christ as their life. He came to be the great “I am” in you. Our Lord Jesus, when He came to earth, came that He might live in you. He wants to make things “go” in you. So often, however, we want to do things for Him instead of letting Him do things in us and through us. You must recognize your own inability to be or to do anything of eternal con sequence without Him. Appropriate all that He has for you. You will find the result one continual glorious experi ence. As far as witnessing is concerned, when an opportunity comes along you won’t need to throw up your hands in fear. You say, “You’re in me, thank You very much. At this mo ment, I expect You to do all that You have in mind.” He will not fail you as you are faithful to Him. This prin ciple may be applied to every area of Christian experience. We live by faith. This is a faith not just in the Christ who died for us but faith in a Christ who lives in us. Make abso lutely certain you understand what it means to accept Christ as your Sav iour. Day by day and situation by sit uation, appropriate Him as your life. Peter tells us, “Be ready.” Ready for what? It really doesn’t matter. When you make your life in its total ity available to the Lord Jesus Christ He makes His life, in its total ity, available to you. This means that you expect anything to happen simply because of who He is. The key word is “expectation.” How much do you really expect to happen? The degree of your expectation will determine the quality of your faith. “Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you.” First, there Is expectation and then there is explana tion. You must be capable of present ing, with an intelligible language, God’s truth. He wants to take you and use you to bring great glory to His name and untold blessing to the people with whom you come in con tact. May this be your purpose and desire today and each day until He comes again.
IF JESUS CAME TO YOUR HOUSE If Jesus came to your house to spend a day or two If He came unexpectedly, I wonder what you'd do. Oh, I know you'd give your nicest room to such an honored guest, And all the food you'd serve to Him would be the very best. And you would keep assuring Him you're glad to have Him there. That serving Him in your home is joy beyond compare. But when you saw Him coming, would you meet Him at the door With arms outstretched in welcome to your heavenly Visitor? Or would you have to change your clothes before you let Him in? Or hide some magazines and put the Bible where they'd been? Would you turn off the TV show and hope He hadn't heard. And wish you hadn't uttered that last, loud, hasty word? And I wonder, if the Saviour spent a day or two with you, Would you go right on doing the things you always do? Would you keep on saying the things you always say? Would your family conversation keep its usual pace? Or would you find it hard each meal to say a table grace? Would you sing the songs you al ways sing and read the books you read. And let Him know the things on which your mind and spirit feed? Would you be glad to have Him meet your very closest friends. Or would you hope they'd stay away until His visit ends? Would you be glad to have Him stay forever on and on? Or would you sigh with great relief, when He at last was gone? It might be interesting to know the things that you would do If Jesus came in Person to spend some time with you. * The Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to a person who isn't. * * * 9 * *
Rev. C. T. Maret, Pastor Emmanuel Faith Community Church Escondido, Calif.
S everal years ago , when my wife and I visited missionaries around the world, we were especially in trigued by the Orient. While there, I had the interesting experience of having a Buddhist woman barber cut my hair. When she found out that I was a preacher, she told me that'she sent her two children to a Christian school. The Buddhist wo man explained, “People who believe in Jesus live better lives than those who just believe in God.” That state ment was quite a testimony for me to consider. I’ve thought about it often. Visiting a young couple in Mexi co’s jungles, I saw them struggling with physical, cultural and financial problems. They had given up com forts, loved ones, and most of the things a materialistic age counts worth-while, so that they could re duce the language of these benighted people to writing. Whether young, middle-aged, or older, the Lord re minds us, “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” In middle age we begin to realize that we are not young, and in the days ahead we won’t be able to produce so effectively. A feel ing of panic sweeps over us with the conviction that what we are going to get, we must get now. The unsaved person merely becomes a victim of his fear. While the Christian doesn’t close his eyes to the needs of the future, his real security is not money, but God; not goods, but God’s goodness. In our middle age, we live the better life because it’s a life of faith in a living God. It’s been well said that if we live long enough, we’ll get old. One of the temptations of the elderly is to live in the past. The Christian disciple realizes his sins of the past, but he lives rejoicing in the blessing of
God’s great forgiveness (I John 1: 9). A Christian is basically a person of the future: the best is always just ahead. The future is as bright CONTENTMENT If I am glad when others' fortunes Far exceed my own; If I can wish them well and lend my Praise for what they've done; If I can silence slander by a Kindly word or stare; If for no man, what'er his state, Contempt or hate I bare, I have contentment. If I can stand aside while others Join in merriment, Full knowing that their joys are thus For energies I've spent; If I can view their pleasures without Malice or regret, But rather feel reward comes with the "Give," and not the "get," I have contentment. If I can take reproach and scorn With meekness and accord; If I can pray, "Father, forgive," As did our precious Lord; If I can have for friends true souls I have contentment. If I but know that all such works Are of themselves in vain Except I own the Saviour and In Him be born again; If, counting loss, my heart can still say, "Lord, Thy will be done!" Then surely as I travel daily Toward the setting sun, I'll have contentment. — Alice W. Lucas as the promises of God. Life is not about over for the Christian when he is eighty. It has just begun and will never cease. See the words of Paul 10 Who serve their fellowmen; If I in turn give to the world M y very best, why then—
in II Timothy 4:6-8. Yes, those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ do live better lives than those who just believe vaguely in God. Theirs is a more satisfied, more purposeful, hap pier life. Now, w h e th er you’re a young person, or in that struggle of mid dle age, or that quiet time of the elderly, do you really know what it means to believe in Jesus Christ? It means far more than just to have heard about Him. At the same time, sixty per cent of the world has never heard the name of Christ. Listen again to Paul’s words, “For I deliv ered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scrip tures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day ac cording to the scriptures” (I Cor. 15:3, 4 ). It is not just that He is alive, but that He is alive for us! You must accept Jesus Christ as per sonal Saviour. What a thrilling thing to realize that whether a person is young, or in middle age, or elderly, he can believe in Jesus Christ, and find not only peace and joy, but also the promise of eternal life. Yes, the Buddhist barber was right when she said, “Those who believe in Jesus live better lives than those who be lieve just in God!” * * * Sacrificial giving isa grace, the lack of which is a disgrace. * * * LAWLESSNESS Recently, a United States Senator (Talmadge) rightly challenged the na- tion with a forthright statement con cerning the lawlessness now so ram pant throughout the country. He em phatically declared, “Here, within the confines of our own shores, the Ameri can people are plagued by a problem which imperils our entire way of life. It is eating out the heart of our very social structure making us vulnerable to those who would destroy us from without. The cancerous spread of crime
and disrespect for vested authority propells this nation farther down the road toward blatant lawlessness. The strength and unity of our people al ready have been dissipated. Forces of hatred, distrust, and fear roam the land. The prophet Ezekiel, speaking of the final desolation of Israel, uttered a lament which I find sadly appropri ate, ‘Make a chain,’ said Ezekiel, ‘for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence’ (Ezek. 7: 23).” The Senator continues, “There has developed a scorn for all estab lished authority, whether it be em bodied in the Bible, in written law as found in the Constitution, or on State and Federal statute books. This spirit is even evident throughout the world. Scripture forecasts a time of absolute lawlessness on earth immediately be fore the return of Christ to establish His kingdom of justice and righteous ness. Why can’t we see the signs?” We think this is a tremendous challenge, coming from a man high in government circles. Let us remember the words of Scripture, “Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.’’ * He who has slight thoughts of sin, can not have great thoughts of God. * *
Dr. Gordon Hooker tries out a musical arrange ment at the piano. Looking on is his wife, Mrs. Martha Hooker. Each having completed forty years of service for the Lord at Biola, the Hookers are retiring from active service this year.
by Hubert Mitchell
O ne day IN Chicago I picked up the telephone and called a friend of mine, a Mr. Godwin. He wasn’t in at the time, but the man who an swered seemingly wasn’t in a hurry to hang up the receiver. So we just chatted awhile. During the conver sation I asked him casually, “By the way, friend, do you happen to be a Christian ?” He gave me a fast “No.” Then after a moment he added, “But I’d like to be.” So I quoted a few verses of Scripture and we prayed together over the phone. He definitely and sincerely received Christ as his Sav iour, right there on the telephone. Events since then have proved that it was so. I found myself asking, “Could it be that there are others like this man, waiting for someone to reach them, right where they are, with the simple forthright story of Christ's death on the cross and his resurrec tion from the grave?” There was planted in my heart a powerful de sire to find out. So one night, about 11:30 o’clock, I called a tavern. A barmaid an swered. I said, “I have some won derful news for you. Do you have time to hear it?” “Sure,” she replied. “What is it?” I said, “Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross and arose again from the dead, and if you believe this with all your heart, He’ll save you from all of your sins.” There was a pause, and then she said very quietly, “Who are you? . . . Why are you doing this?” I told her. Then there was another pause, and she said, “Thanks for calling. I used to believe this when I was a little girl, but I drifted away, and I’ve gotten into trouble.
I really shouldn’t be here . . . I'm so glad you called.” Another pause, then she said, “Hold it, I want to get ‘Red’ on the phone. Tell him what you just told me.” A man came to the phone, and I gave him the same message. While I was speaking, he interrupted to say mockingly, “Wait till I kill a cockroach.” Then he listened as I told him how Christ died for him. He passed the phone to another man named “Ronnie.” I preached the same message of Christ to him, and after a long silence, he said, “Sir, I believe that.” I s a i d , “Ronnie, wouldn’t you like to ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart right now?” He said, “I sure would.” I wish you could have heard the prayer that came from that man’s heart. The following night a friend of mine and I went down to the tavern
Dr. Hubert Mitchell
to follow up the call. We met the barmaid and gave her a copy of the Scriptures and she was in church the following Sunday. One of the Christian ladies in the area is fol lowing up this case. One night in Cleveland a church group gathered in prayer while some LISTEN WITH HEARTS HELD HIGH Sometime some ordinary day will come, A busy day like this, filled to the brim With ordinary tasks, perhaps so full That we have little time or thought for Him. And there will be no hint from silent skies. No sign, no clash of cymbals, roll of drums, And yet that ordinary day will be The very day before our dear Lord comes. The day before we lay our burdens down. And learn instead the strange feel of a crown, The day before all grieving will be past, And all tears wiped away at last, at last. When we shall bid farewell, nor see again. That bitter-sweet lifelong companion, pain, For by unmerited, unfathomed grace, Our rapt eyes shall behold our Sav iour's face! O child of God, awake, and work and pray! That ordinary day may be today. And yet the setting of tomorrow's sun Will find a billion souls still here, unwon! — Martha Snell Nicholson telephone calls were being made. A motel manager answered the tele phone. I gave him the name of our church, invited him out to the serv ice and prayed with him. He said,
“I’m glad you called me. I can’t tell you my whole story now, but will you come over and see me?” Then he added, “Before you hang up, I want to tell you — I’ve got a friend in one of the motel rooms here . . . he needs help. Will you call back again? I’m gonna get him on the line, and I want you to pray with him the way you prayed with ft me. I called back and prayed with that man on the phone. The next day I went over to the motel, taking an associate with me. We met the man ager’s friend in the cocktail lounge. No one else was there at the time. We sat at the bar and had some coffee while he told his long, bitter story. As he looked at me, it was as though his heart was looking right out through his eyes. Two weeks later he received Christ. A blind lady in one church said to me, “I can punch out the telephone numbers with my Braille punch and witness by phone.” She now has a ministry that is unlimited in out reach. Every week an inner-city church in Chicago holds a “Televisit Cru sade.” Calls are placed, and it is rarely that anyone hangs up before the conversation is over. A corps of workers write cards or letters to each person called. Young people, deacons, elders, Sunday school teach ers, are taking part in this bold and forthright witness for Christ. Simi lar “televisiting” has begun in West Coast churches. Churches and evan gelism groups are utilizing a “how- to-do-it” phonograph record a n d manual prepared to train workers in this approach. A tremendous amount of impor tant business is transacted daily by telephone. What more important business is there than offering to men new life in Christ? Then why not preach Christ over the phone? * * * The way to do great thing« for God it to do little thing« for others. 13
HOWTO HAVE A HAPPY HOME by Hubert Mitchell
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I T should be alarming to all of us to see so many problems which are causing homes, even those of Christians, to wind up on the pro verbial “rocks.” No matter where I travel the problems seem to be in tense. Four of our children are mar ried and, thank the Lord, happily. I want to talk to you not only from the Word of God, but also from a heart full of experience. One of our most practical lessons comes from Colossians 3:13 to 21. I hope, before you read any further, you will look up this blessed portion and share it for yourself. Isn’t it interesting to see how many common, everyday areas of life are beautifully touched upon here in the Bible? First of all we are told, “Forbear ing one another, and forgiving one another.” How difficult it is for us to say, “I am sorry, I was wrong. Please forgive me.” I know many young people who hate to go home after school because their moms and dads are fussing all of the time. If you have to fight, go into the closet where you can have it out together without defiling and discouraging the children. The Lord wants us to learn how to live together in peace and happiness. The Scripture says, “above all these things put on char ity.” If there is anything we need both in our hearts and homes it’s love! Quarreling has no place in the victorious Christian life. No home
can survive or hold together without real love. This is the basic and cen tral ingredient. Remember the day when you were engaged? How gal lant and romatic you were. A young fellow took his fiancee out for a walk. As they came to a huge mud puddle, he took off his coat and threw it down a “carpet” on which she might step. She was so impressed. Today, however, things have become so com mon that he is likely to say, “Jump, dear, I think you can make it.” He has left his first love (Rev. 2:1-5). Don’t take your partner for granted. The great lack confronting each of us is the fact that we need God to put a love in our hearts. We as hus bands particularly are to love our wives even as Christ loved the Church. How was that? In such a manner that He gave His life for us, the just for the unjust that He might bring us to God. The Scrip ture reminds us that without love we will fall apart and collapse. The remedy is found in Jesus Christ. My personal exhortation is simply to draw nigh to God. Get real close to Jesus Christ. Ask Him to forgive you, cleansing you from the careless ness, bitterness, coarse and harsh ness that might have been a part of your life. Your children and spouse will see a change in your life and the untold blessings of a heart at rest in the Redeemer will be your portion. 14
phere for the home. It’s like waving a banner of victory. The children will soon catch on, too. Then enter in to the joy of sins both cleansed and redeemed. * * * In life, as in the dictionary,Godshould come before gold. * * * ALL HE COULD DO Do you ever get the feeling that your place inlife is soinsignificant it doesn’t really matter about your exist ence? Never lose sight of this vital fact that to every single individual the Lord has given an important task through which he alone can glorify the Sav iour’s name. While it happened many years ago, an illustration of this truth is still just as forceful as ever. While crossing the Atlantic, a fellow became so seasick one evening that he had to leave the deck and his fellow passen gers and hurry to his room. Just then he heard the desperate cry, “Man over board! Man overboard!” Everybody rushed to the side to see what they could do. Because he felt so ill, the fellow couldn’t move from his bunk. Sounds from above seemed so urgent that he got to thinking, while it wouldn’t be much, maybe he could open the porthole and shine his flashlight out into the darkened night. He strug gled to maintain his balance and suc ceeded so the light streamed out on the dark waters. The next day the man who had been rescued, though still weak, testified, “/ was going down for the last time when all of a sudden some one put a light on out of one of the lower portholes. Its beam shone right on my hand so that the sailor could see to pull me in.” The man hadn’t much but he did the best ujith what he had. Similarly, our lives are God’s gift to us, but what we do with them is then our gift to God. You may not have much in the sight of this world, but as we so frequently say in clos ing our broadcasts, “Little is much when God is in it.” The lad gave his lunch, all that he had, but God multi plied it to feed the thousands. What do you have in your hand that you’re will ing to be used for the glory of His holy name? 15
P a r t I I F ollowing the ingredient of love as the most essential aspect to a happy home is peace (Col. 3:15). Have you ever heard the old saying, “The dew never falls on a stormy night” ? The dew of heaven or the blessing of God, doesn’t settle upon a home which is in constant turmoil and strife. Have you been harassed by the affairs of life? Maybe you have made the wrong decisions and are having a rough time. Go to God and tell Him the truth of your heart. Confess your wrongs and sins. Free ly tell Him your mistakes and trans gressions. He will forgive you. One day when I had lost my temper, I had to go to one of my boys and tell him, “Son, I’m sorry. I’m your daddy, but I didn’t speak in love or with my tongue under control; please forgive me.” What a wonderful bridge this built between his heart and mine! Let God be the comman der of your emotions. No matter what difficulties: sickness, sorrow, disappointment, even death itself, “In everything give thanks.” It doesn’t say “for” but “in” every thing. This is not optional; it’s a command! Colossians 3:16, reminds us that to have a happy home we must let the Word of God have its rightful place in our homes, “that in all things He might have the pre-emi nence.” Do your children have devo tions? Do you pray regularly with them? Are you teaching them verses of Scripture? Do not allow yourself to be dilatory or lazy about this vital habit. Notice that this verse couples singing with admonishing. We have found a wonderful thing in our home. While cooking breakfast, mother doesn’t turn on the radio or phono graph, but rather she herself starts singing. You may not be a prima donna, but you can still make a joy ful noise unto the Lord. This really creates a glorious heavenly atmos
by Hubert Mitchell
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C onsidering the times in which we are living, the most thrilling subject for consideration by the child of God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. It has been my joy to teach numerous Bible classes on the book of Revelation. What a thrill this has been for my own heart, and how the Lord has re warded with spiritual victories! It took me two years to go through the book with one class. Read such portions as Luke 13 and see some of the graphic and fascinating events of the end times. Did you ever stop to think that Jesus Christ could come right now before you finish reading this pub lication? Every night before I enter my home, coming back from meet ings, I always make it a habit to look up in the sky. Sometimes I can see the stars and my heart goes out in prayer, “Lord, won't you come to night?” Sometime that prayer will be answered, I know! This is what John meant when, under the inspira tion of the Holy Spirit, he wrote, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” What a day that will be when this corrup tion shall put on incorruption! We read in the Word that He is going to come very suddenly, without warn ing. He will return in an hour when we think not. A lot of people have set dates and made predictions. How foolish this is! No man knows the day or the hour. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when Christ comes again. If He comes to day, I know I would be ready because of the witness in my heart that I am bom again. My name is written down in the book of life in heaven. How about you, my friend? Are you
ready to meet God if He would send His Son back right now? Never has America been living in such an ungodly condition as now. LET US GO ON Some of us stay at the cross, Some of us wait at the tomb, Quickened and raised together with Christ, Yet lingering still in its gloom; Some of us bide at the passover feast With Pentecost all unknown— The triumphs of grace in the heav enly place That our Lord has made our own. If the Christ who died had stopped at the cross His work had been incomplete. If the Christ who was buried had stayed in the tomb He had only known defeat; But the Way of the Cross never stops at the Cross, And the way of the tomb leads on To victorious grace in the heavenly place Where the risen Lord has gone. So, let us go on with our Lord To the fulness of God He has brought, Unsearchable riches of glory and good Exceeding our uttermost thought; Let us grow up into Christ, Claiming His life and its powers, The triumphs of grace in the heavenly place That our conquering Lord has made ours. — 'Annie Johnson Flint People seem to be wallowing in sin. The end could be very near. Think of the case of Lot. They were eat ing, drinking, marrying and giving 16
in marriage. They didn’t know that God was going to put a torch to the area. In a moment of time, the Lord opened up the heavens and down came the lire of judgment and de struction. The earth is never going to be destroyed again by water. Next time God is going to put the torch to this little round ball (II Pet. 3:1- 5 ). Are you ready in case Christ should come today? Don’t wait until the next service in your church. Bend those knees and bow that head, say ing, “Lord, Thou Son of God, save me from my sins. Come into my heart; wash me and make me clean.” Will He do it? Yes, He will. Scrip ture assures us, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” ; “Who soever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” If you are not a Christian, should Christ come tonight, you might wake up and find a half of your family gone. There will be a lot of heart break on that day. These are not mere words of fantasy. There is the reality of God in them. Won’t you ask Jesus Christ to prepare you for that day when He shall come again? You don’t want to go to hell, do you? It is either heaven or hell, life or death. Honestly and sincerely repent of your sins. Then see all of the blessed promises of Scripture for you, such as I Thessalonians 4:13-18. Your heart can then re-echo with ours “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” P a r t I I T here is nothing to give a thrill to the born-again child of God like the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. While going across country not too long ago, a friend of mine, a commercial airline pilot, told me with a smile, “I hope when Christ comes again I’ll be up here 30 to 40 thousand feet. I’ll have a head start on everybody else.”
More Scriptures in the Bible re fer to Christ’s second coming than to His first advent. One out of every 25 verses in the New Testa ment concerns this blessed hope. Job 19:25 spoke of the assurance of eter nity, “For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.” This is no doubt the oldest book of the Bi ble. David spoke of the return of the Lord in Psalm 102:6, "When the Lord shall build up Zion and shall appear in his glory.” Passages re ferring to His coming appear in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, to name but a few of the precious por tions. Just as surely as Christ came the first time, and Christians as well as non-Christians know this to be true, He will return again. He was born miraculously and rose again miraculously. Are you ready to meet Jesus Christ? Some years ago, I was riding on a train between Paris and Rome. Sit ting next to me was an astronomer from Brussels, Belgium. He spoke good English and I was interested
Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, (left) Biola president, looks over plans for the school’s 33rd Annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference to be held in key churches throughout Southern Califor nia. With him is the Rev. Roy Nelson, pastor of the Temple Baptist Church of Ontario, which wil be one of the locations for the meetings; January 28 to February 2, 1968. The Rev. Mr. Nelson is a graduate of Biola.
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