Biola Broadcaster - 1967-08


RADIO QUESTIONS ANSWERED with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland and Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

ences seem to indicate its use is an abomination to God. We are to re­ member His death and resurrection, not His birth. He didn’t tell us to. Surely, He wasn’t bom in the winter as the shepherds were herding their flocks." A. No one knows the exact time of the year when Christ was bom. The way Christmas is abused most cer­ tainly is an abomination to God. But just because it is not mentioned in the Bible is no reason why we shouldn’t honor and commemorate the Saviour’s birth. The date was selected by early Christians as a holy day because it was at that period of the year when there were relative­ ly few such observances on the Chris­ tian church calendar. We see noth­ ing wrong in the lights, presents, trees, and other things of the season so long as we understand the sym­ bolism. As an example, the very color of the lights speak of certain facets of heaven and the glory of God. The giving of gifts speak of the supreme gift that God bestowed upon the world. The evergreen tree speaks of a continuing life after this one, through salvation. It is the event, not the date, that is important. Q. Nampa, Ida. — “What is meant by ‘do all to the glory of God’?” A. It suggests that in whatever area of activity we find ourselves, we should have an eye single to God’s glory. Remember man’s primary re­ sponsibility, is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. 20

Q. Bellingham, Wash. — “Could you please explain II Corinthians 12:2- i? Did Paul’s spirit separate from his body? I had always understood that man in his earthly body cannot enter into the presence of God. Isn’t Paradise referred to in verse k as Heaven where the throne of God is?” A. The answer to the last question is affirmative. The third heaven is where God dwells. Heaven is Para­ dise which is where the throne of God is. In the context Paul is an­ swering foolish opponents who would boast about what they had achieved. He realized that one has to answer a fool according to his follies, as Proverbs states. He lists his reli­ gious pedigree as well as his out­ standing marks of service for the Lord Jesus Christ. Saving his best argument for last, he tells about his experience of going out of his body into that state of suspended anima­ tion. This doesn’t happen to every believer. Paul had been stoned for the sake of the Gospel. He was given an experience no one else was privi­ leged to share. If the Apostle didn’t divulge w h a t happened to him through Scripture, we must not make dogmatic suppositions. This was so overwhelming God had to send some­ thing which would humble him for the rest of his life. When Paul got a vision of the glory, he never, never wanted to stay on earth. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. — “I am both­ ered about Christmas which isn’t mentioned in the Bible. Any refer­

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