Biola Broadcaster - 1967-08



The only college of its kind in a three state area. EVERY STUDENT A BIBLE MAJOR

What do YOU expect in college? ^ A c a d em ic E x c e lle n c e y Q u a lified F a c u lty y P e r s o n a l I n t e r e s t / S o c ia l D e v e lo pm e n t y M o d e r a t e C o sts

y F a ith fu ln e s s t o S c r ip tu r e

All of these and more are yours at AR IZONA BIBLE COLLEGE Affiliated with Biola Schools and Colleges, Inc. Bachelor of Arts Program in Missions, Ministerial, Christian Education, and Christian Education-Music. For more information w rite : Registrar

3025 W. McDowell Road Phoenix, Arizona 85009

School Motto: "that in all things He might have pre-eminence" (Col. 1:18)

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