Spring is here, and watching flowers sneak up through the soil in your front yard may remind you to consider growth of a different kind — the growth of your business. Regardless of whether you soared over your revenue goals the previous quarter or you took these last few months to recover from failed marketing efforts and missed opportunities, spring provides a great opportunity for overall growth. Still, it’s hard to know where you should focus your energy. To aid your efforts, here are four factors to consider for strategic business growth. 1 LEADERSHIP Similar to nature’s processes during springtime, business growth begins far below the surface through good leadership. Your 4 FACTORS THAT MIGHT BE AFFECTING YOUR BUSINESS’S GROWTH THIS SEASON
employees’ perception of you and your company’s mission is what determines their motivation to work hard. Take a step back to evaluate your leadership tactics and determine if they match your ideal business model. Often, replacing poor leaders with stronger ones makes all the difference in a company’s success.
When it comes to accounting, it pays to have an expert at the helm. As any small-business owner knows, a keen eye can be the difference between growth and major cash flow issues. That’s why we’ve been lucky to have Vic Moore as our dedicated comptroller for almost a decade. Signing on with Pye-Barker in 2010, Vic brought with him a lifetime of experience and a “get-things-done” attitude. “I took a lot of accounting classes in high school,” Vic tells us, reflecting on what brought him into the industry. “My dad taught me a lot too; he was an accountant.” Despite this early exposure to the field, Vic wouldn’t go into accounting for quite some time. He spent 13 years in business for himself. Then, when his father passed away, Vic and his brother took over the family paper- and plastic-distribution company. “I did most of the accounting and bookkeeping,” Vic remembers. “It was a small company but a good company.” Altogether, Vic has 40–50 years of industry experience made all the more valuable by the fact that he knows the ins and outs of how small businesses are run. When asked what he likes about being part of the Pye-Barker team, Vic doesn’t mince words. “The job itself is the same as anywhere; accounting is accounting. But what sets Pye-Barker apart in particular is the people.”
As we do with all our spotlights, we wanted to get a picture of what Vic does in his free time. It’s telling that this question made our controller laugh. “Free time? What free time?” he asked, before explaining that a lot of what he does outside of the office is maintaining the hunting club he founded back in 1989. “There’s a lot to be done in the off season,” Vic explains. “Stocking and maintaining 2,500 acres keeps me busy.” Organized and efficient even in his off hours, it’s clear Vic is a perfect fit for the job!
Published by The Newsletter Pro • www.NewsletterPro.com
Pye-Barker Supply Co. • www.pyebarker.com
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