Query and User Intent Result
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Query: [broadway tickets] User Location: New York, New York User Intent: Research prices and/or purchase tickets to a Broadway show.
The LP for this web result offers many Broadway tickets for sale, from a highly trustworthy source. While you have to zoom in and scroll to navigate the site, this result would be very helpful for many or most users because it is so highly trustworthy.
The LP for this web result offers many kids backpacks for sale. The company is well-known for manufacturing and selling high quality backpacks for kids of different ages. There is a lot of product information and many user reviews for each backpack, in addition to helpful filter options. This result would be very helpful for many or most users. The LP for this web result is part of an authoritative government website and provides a lot of helpful information about poison ivy. This result would be very helpful for many or most users. A few or some users may wish to see additional results.
Query: [kids backpacks] User Intent: Research prices and/or purchase backpacks for kids.
Query: [poison ivy] User Intent: Find pictures of poison ivy plants, information about how to treat poison ivy, etc.
Query: [michael jordan] User Intent: Find information, news, images, etc. about Michael Jordan.
The LP of this web result is a Wikipedia article about Michael Jordan. This result would be helpful for many or most users.
Users are looking for good or entertaining dance videos and there are many options online. There are many on-topic results for this query and this is one very popular video of a comedian demonstrating dance styles from previous decades.
Query: [dance video] User Intent: Find a dance video to watch.
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