Query and User Intent Result
Highly Meets Explanation
Query: [trestle bridge] User Intent: The user wants to understand what a trestle bridge is or learn more information about them (e.g., what it looks like, how they are built, types of materials, well-known examples, etc.).
Seeing images of trestle bridges is very helpful in understanding this type of bridge. In this case, <a picture is worth a thousand words=, meaning that a picture may be more helpful than a text description due to the unique design of the bridge.
Query: [purple coneflowers] User Intent: Find images of or information about purple coneflowers.
This block contains many helpful images, and the landing page shows even more images4it Highly Meets the user intent.
The result block has a good summary of what invasive species are, but some users would probably want to see more information like examples, impact, etc.
Query: [invasive species] User Intent: Find more information about invasive species.
For users in Austin, TX, the query [verbena] could have two different interpretations: a popular restaurant named Verbena or the plant verbena. Because the user is located in Austin, many users are probably looking for the restaurant. However, it is not completely clear because some users may want to find information about the plant. This result about the restaurant has satisfying information for users who want to visit it4the result Highly Meets the most likely user need.
Query: [verbena] User Location: Austin, TX User Intent: Find information about the spice or the restaurant in Austin.
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