Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

Query and User Intent Result


Highly Meets Explanation This is a broad query for a city. Different users may be looking for different things. The result contains a wide variety of helpful information such as a map, weather information, several points of interest, and has an option to see more information containing nearby events and facts about the city. Moderately Meets+ to Highly Meets is an appropriate rating for this result.

Query: [seattle, washington] User Intent: Find information, news, maps, etc. related to Seattle, Washington.

This is a broad query for an actress. Different users may be looking for different things. The result contains a variety of helpful information such as images, brief biography, recent movies, and an option to see more. Moderately Meets+ to Highly Meets is an appropriate rating for this result.

Query: [emily blunt] User Intent: Find biographical information (e.g., filmography) or current news/celebrity gossip about Emily Blunt.

This page provides the requested lyrics on Coldplay's official website. Users can also navigate around the site to listen to the song, explore all albums the song appears on, listen to or view lyrics for other songs on the same album, or learn more about the artist overall. Additionally, users can trust that the lyrics on the LP are 100% accurate due to the uniquely authoritative nature of the source, which makes this result very helpful for many or most users.

Query: [coldplay yellow lyrics] User Intent: Find the lyrics to the song <Yellow=, which was written by the band Coldplay.

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