Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

13.4 Moderately Meets (MM) A rating of Moderately Meets is assigned to results that are helpful and satisfying for many users or very satisfying for some users. Moderately Meets results have fewer valuable attributes than Highly Meets results. Moderately Meets results should still <fit= the query, but they might be less comprehensive, less up-to-date, come from a less authoritative source, etc. Moderately Meets results are not low quality, out-of-date, or inaccurate. Moderately Meets results are generally average to good. 13.4.1 Examples of Moderately Meets (MM) Result Blocks

Moderately Meets Explanation

Query and User Intent Result


The LP for this web result is a high-quality page on crunchbase.com4a member site on the TechCrunch network4with a profile of Shutterfly. The MC has a lot of helpful and accurate information about the company. This result would be helpful for many users or very helpful for some. The LP for this web result contains information about Tom Cruise, which would be helpful for many users or very helpful for some users. The photos and Note that there are many, many pages about Tom Cruise and this result is not helpful enough for a rating of Highly Meets . This is a broad query for a city. Different users may be looking for different things. The result shows a map of Seattle, Washington and clicking on the map brings up a more detailed map. This result may be helpful for some users. main links can easily be accessed on a phone. This result reflects one of several possible user intents, as the query is also the name of a movie, song, musical, and more. However, since the user location is near the school, this result would be very helpful for some users4specifically, users who are looking for the school.

Query: [shutterfly] User Intent: Go to the Shutterfly website or find information about the company.

Query: [tom cruise] User Intent: Find biographical information or current news/celebrity gossip about Tom Cruise.

Query: [seattle, washington] User Intent : Find information, news, maps, etc. related to Seattle, Washington.

Query: [city of angels] User Intent: Find information about the movie, song, musical, school, or some other entity by this name.

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