Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

Query and User Intent Result


Slightly Meets Explanation This is a Wikipedia page that has birthdays for all U.S. presidents, including Abraham Lincoln. However, his birthday is not prominently displayed and it is not obvious that the answer is there4users have to do some work and search around on the page to find the answer, making SM to SM+ an appropriate rating. The quality of writing in this article, which was created by a person without expertise in marriage or relationship counseling, is poor. Even though the article is about the query, the page is low quality and untrustworthy. It would be helpful for few users.

Query: [abe lincoln’s birthday] User Intent: Find this specific piece of information.

Query: [lack of sex and problems with my marriage] User Intent: Find help for marital issues.

Query: [nail spa] User Location: San Jose, California User Intent: Find a nail spa in or near San Jose.

Burke Williams is a day spa that offers many treatments like massage therapy, skin care, etc. While it does have nail care options, it is not a dedicated nail spa.

Query: [what type of sharks live in rivers] User Intent: Find information about what types of sharks live in rivers.

This result block does not contain enough information to be fully satisfying and mentions only one type of shark. Most users would need to do further research. The answer in this result block is really confusing. Even if users can figure it out, they would likely still have to click on the link, or go to another website, to confirm the information. While there is a map, you would have to expand or click on it to see the details, so it is not that helpful.

Query: [210 area code] User Intent: Find what area uses the 210 area code for phone numbers.

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