Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

Query and User Intent Result


Slightly Meets Explanation

Query: [ibm] User Intent: Go to the IBM website or find information about the company.

This block contains images of the logo for IBM, but these images are not particularly helpful for this query.

The title of this article makes it appear as though the article describes an impending catastrophe. Yet, the MC states in its third paragraph that Nibiru "doesn’t actually exist" and calls believers in it "conspiracy theorists". The title contradicts the content of the article, and as a result could mislead users who don't read the full article. Note: Many users decide which result to click or tap on based on the title of the web result on the search results page. Results with very misleading or exaggerated titles should be rated Slightly Meets or lower, due to the poor user experience that occurs when the landing page does not match the expectation of the user when clicking or tapping on the result.

Query: [where is nibiru] User Intent: Find the location of "Nibiru", which was a fictional planet in the movie Star Trek Into Darkness , as well as a pseudoscientific outer planet in the solar system that doesn't actually exist.

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