Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

Query and User Intent Result


Fails to Meet Explanation

Despite strong medical consensus linking tobacco to lung cancer4which can be found at authoritative sources by searching [lung cancer and smoking]4this LP claims there is no connection between smoking and cancer by selectively interpreting some experiments done on animals. Additionally, this is a YMYL query on a medical topic, so accurate and trustworthy information is highly important. This page directly contradicts well-established medical consensus and may potentially cause harm to users, so it should be rated Fails to Meet. Miley Cyrus was alive at the time this example was written. This LP is an article written by an unknown author that was designed to look like a news story and falsely states that she died. Furthermore, the page is found on a low quality website, and the article has not been updated, clarified, or removed even days after having been proven false. This page is factually inaccurate and deceptive to users, so it should be rated Fails to Meet . Remember: Just because a website has the look and feel of a traditional news site does NOT mean that you should consider the reporting to be factually accurate without further research. Watch out for sites that present themselves as news, but were actually created with the intent to mislead or misinform users.

Query: [does smoking cause cancer] User Intent: Find out whether smoking causes cancer.

Query: [miley cyrus] User Intent: Find information about the American singer/actress Miley Cyrus, such as biographical info, discography/filmography, current news, etc.

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