Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

14.0 The Relationship between Page Quality and Needs Met The Needs Met rating is based on both the query and the result. You must carefully think about the query and user intent when assigning a Needs Met rating.

The Page Quality rating slider does not depend on the query. Do not think about the query when assigning a Page Quality rating to the LP.

Some results don’t have a Page Quality slider. If a result block has no Page Quality rating slider, you do not have to give a Page Quality rating. If there is a Page Quality slider, please assign a Page Quality rating based on the landing page.

Here is some guidance about assigning Needs Met and Page Quality ratings:

● Useless results should always be rated FailsM , even if the landing page has a high Page Quality rating. Useless is useless. ● On-topic, helpful, but low Page Quality results should get lower Needs Met ratings than on-topic, helpful, and high Page Quality results. The Needs Met scale encompasses all aspects of <helpfulness,= and many users find low Page Quality results less helpful than high Page Quality results. Your ratings should reflect this. ● The HM rating should be given to helpful, high Page Quality pages that are a good fit for the query. The HM rating may also be used for results that are very helpful, medium quality, and have other very desirable characteristics, such as very recent information. ● The HM rating may not be appropriate if a page has low Page Quality or has any other undesirable characteristics, such as outdated or inaccurate information, or if it is a poor fit for the query. We have very high standards for the HM rating. ● SM is often an appropriate rating for low quality but on-topic pages. However, a page can have such low Page Quality that it is useless for nearly all queries. Gibberish pages are a good example of pages with low Page Quality that should be rated FailsM . An exception to this is queries with clear website intent, where the target website should be rated FullyM even if the page has low Page Quality. ● Remember that if a page lacks a beneficial purpose, it should always be rated Lowest Page Quality - regardless of the page’s Needs Met rating or how well-designed the page may be. Please review Section 7.0 for a summary of other types of Lowest Page Quality pages.

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