Query and User Intent Result Block and LP, Needs Met Rating, Page Quality Rating
Needs Met : This page would be helpful for few users. Page Quality : Read this content out loud. The article on the LP is shallow and unintentionally humorous. The MC has four paragraphs of text, but it basically says that electric cars use electricity and have to be charged. The page also lacks E-A-T. Low is an appropriate rating. Needs Met : The query asks how electric cars work, but the article on the LP is about mobility scooters. Page Quality : There is a lot of helpful MC on the landing page on Wikipedia.org. The page has high E-A-T. Medium+ to High is an appropriate rating. Needs Met : Even though the article is topical, the information is not reliable and potentially misleading or dangerous. Page Quality : This is a YMYL topic. This page has no evidence of medical expertise/authority and is not trustworthy. Needs Met : This result would be very helpful for most users. Page Quality : This is a YMYL topic. This page is on a highly authoritative medical website and has a lot of reliable and accurate MC. This page is very trustworthy.
Query: [how do electric cars work] User Intent: Find information about how electric cars work.
Query: [symptoms of dehydration] User Intent: Find information about the
symptoms of dehydration.
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