If you are having trouble deciding whether a topic is YMYL, consider the following questions: 1. Would a careful person seek out experts or highly trusted sources to prevent harm ? Could even minor inaccuracies cause harm? If yes, then the topic is likely YMYL. 2. Is the specific topic one that most people would be content with only casually consulting their friends about? If yes, the topic is likely not YMYL. Important note : For pages about clear YMYL topics, we have very high Page Quality rating standards because low quality pages could potentially negatively impact a person’s health, financial stability, or safety, or the welfare or well-being of society. Page Quality rating examples in these guidelines about YMYL topics will be labeled as YMYL to illustrate the high rating standards for clear YMYL topics that impact a person’s health, financial stability, or safety, or the welfare or well-being of society. 2.4 Understanding Webpage Content All of the content on a webpage can be classified as one of the following: Main Content (MC), Supplementary Content (SC), or Advertisements/Monetization (Ads). In order to understand the purpose of a webpage and do PQ rating, you will need to be able to distinguish among these different parts of the page. Webpage design can be complicated, so make sure to click around and explore the page. See what kind of content is behind the tabs and test out the interactive page features. Content behind the tabs may be considered part of the MC, SC, or Ads, depending on what the content is. 2.4.1 Identifying the Main Content (MC) Main Content is any part of the page that directly helps the page achieve its purpose. Webmasters directly control the MC of the page (except for user-generated content). MC can be text, images, videos, page features (e.g., calculators, games), or it can be user-generated content such as videos, reviews, articles, etc. that users have added or uploaded to the page. Note that tabs on some pages lead to even more information (e.g., customer reviews) and can sometimes be considered part of the MC of the page. The MC also includes the title at the top of the page (example). Descriptive MC titles allow users to make informed decisions about what pages to visit. Helpful titles summarize the MC on the page.
Type of Page and Purpose
MC Highlighted in Yellow
News website homepage: the purpose is to inform users about recent or important events. News article page: the purpose is to communicate information about an event or news topic. Store product page: the purpose is to sell or give information about the product. ● Content behind the Reviews, Shipping, and Safety Information tabs are considered to be part of the MC.
MC - News Homepage
MC - News Article
MC - Shopping Page
Video page: the purpose is to share a video about cats.
MC - Video Page
Currency converter page: the purpose is to calculate equivalent amounts in different currencies.
MC - Currency Converter
Blog post page: the purpose is to share music used on a TV show. MC - Blog Post Page Search engine homepage: the purpose is to allow users to enter a query and search the Internet. MC - Search Engine Homepage Bank login page: the purpose is to allow users to log in to bank online. MC - Bank Login Page
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