Result Block and LP, Needs Met Rating, Page Quality Rating, Flags
Query and User Intent
Needs Met : The MC has an error message, but the LP has a lot of SC. However, the page has no information about boys pink snow shoes and is unhelpful for the query. Page Quality : This LP is on a well-known, reputable merchant website. Despite the error message, this page does a nice job of explaining the issue and providing a search box, including helpful search tips and customer service information. Do not assign the Did Not Load flag. Needs Met : In spite of the customized <No results found= message on the LP, it has links to all passages in the Bible, organized by book. It would be very helpful for most users. Page Quality : This page is a well-known, reputable reference website. In addition to links to all passages in the Bible, this error page provides a search box as well as a suggestion explaining how to refine searches. Do not assign the Did Not Load flag. Clicking on this result block leads to a malware warning. You can assume that the page is malicious without continuing to the page. As discussed in Sections 7.4.6 and 13.6, you should assign a FailsM Needs Met rating and Lowest Page Quality rating. Do not assign the Did Not Load flag.
Query: [boys pink snow shoes] User Intent: Find information about or purchase boys’ snow shoes.
Query: [bible passages] User Intent: Find specific passages in the Bible.
Query: [broadway tickets] User Intent: This is a Know query or Do query. The user wants to search prices and/or purchase tickets to a Broadway show in New York City.
This page cannot be reached because the site's server IP address was not found. There is no MC, SC, or Ads on the page. This result merits a FailsM Needs Met rating, and no Page Quality rating is required. Assign the Did Not Load flag.
Query: [paranormal activity] User Intent: Learn more about the 2007 film Paranormal Activity or the associated film series.
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