Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

15.6 Additional Flags in Some Rating Tasks Some rating tasks may ask you to identify Upsetting-Offensive and/or Not-for-Everyone results. Mark content that may be upsetting or offensive from the perspective of a typical user in your locale as Upsetting-Offensive , keeping in mind that people of all ages, genders, races, religions, and political affiliations use the Internet to understand the world and other points of views. Mark content that may be unpleasant or uncomfortable for some people in your locale (e.g., content that may not be appropriate in a public space, professional environment, or school) as Not-for-Everyone . 16.0 Rating Queries with Multiple Interpretations and Intents Some queries really only have one meaning. Consider the query [iphone], English (US). There may be different user intents for this query (research iPhones, buy an iPhone, go to the iPhone page on Apple’s website), but all users are basically referring to the same thing: the phone made by Apple, Inc. Some queries truly have different possible meanings. Consider the query [apple], English (US). Some users may want to find more information on the computer brand or the fruit. We refer to these different meanings as query interpretations. When giving Needs Met ratings for results involving different query interpretations, think about how likely the query interpretation is and how helpful the result is. ● A very helpful result for a dominant interpretation should be rated Highly Meets , because it is very helpful for many or most users. Some queries with a dominant interpretation have a FullyM result. ● A very helpful result for a common interpretation may be Highly Meets or Moderately Meets , depending on how likely the interpretation is. ● A very helpful result for a very minor interpretation may be Slightly Meets or lower because few users may be interested in that interpretation. ● There are some interpretations that are so unlikely that results should be rated FailsM . We call these <no chance= interpretations.

16.1 Rating Queries with Both Website and Visit-in-Person Intent Some queries have two possible strong intents:

1. Go to the website intent: in order to, for example, find out information, buy something online, make a reservation, schedule an appointment, interact with customer support, or fulfill some other need that can be satisfied online 2. Visit-in-person intent: user wants to visit the store, business, etc. in person We know the user intent is to accomplish one or the other, but it is unclear which one the user wants. For these queries, result blocks that only satisfy one intent should NOT get a Fully Meets rating.

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