Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

Query and User Intent Result Block and LP

Needs Met Rating and Explanation

The result block shows three nearby Citibank locations in the user location of Palo Alto. The information is especially helpful for users who want to visit the bank. This fulfills the user intent to find a nearby Citibank location.

Query: [citibank] User Location: Palo Alto, California User Intent: There are two possible strong user intents: most users probably want to visit a nearby Citibank location or go to the website to bank online.

The result is very satisfying and fulfills the user intent to do online banking or otherwise use the website.

17.0 Specificity of Queries and Landing Pages Some queries are very general and some queries are specific. Here are some examples that compare levels of specificity of English (US) queries:


More Specific Query

Even More Specific Query


[dining room chair]

[ikea <henriksdal= highback upholstered chair]


[harvard library]

[harvard anthropology library]

[interview questions]

[interview questions for teachers] [practice interview questions used for teach for america]


[chinese restaurants]

[takeout chinese restaurants in downtown Austin]

[coffee shops]


[red rock coffee mountain view]

Results for specific queries are easier to rate on the Needs Met scale because we know more about what the user is looking for. Giving a Needs Met rating for results for general queries can be difficult. As always, your rating is based on how helpful the result is for the query, not the specificity fit. When the query is a broad category, such as [cafes] [restaurants] [hotels] [books] [tourist attractions in paris] etc., popular and prominent examples may be considered very helpful. Please do web research to help you understand what is popular and prominent in different locations.

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