Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

Query and User Intent Result Block & LP, Needs Met & Page Quality Ratings


This LP is the official website for the museum store. Needs Met : The result is very satisfying for users that want to go to the website. Page Quality : This is the website of a popular museum store with a good reputation and high E-A-T. The museum is the expert on information about the store, including hours, phone numbers, membership information, etc. High+ to Highest is an appropriate rating.

Query: [smithsonian air and space museum store] User Location: Washington, DC User Intent: Go to the store website or find information, such as opening hours, about the

Needs Met : While the result is about the museum, the hours, address, and directions are the same as the museum store. This information is helpful for users searching for the store.

museum’s store in Washington, DC.

No Page Quality rating required

This LP has information about how to volunteer at the museum. Needs Met : The LP is more specific than the query and would be helpful for few users. Page Quality : This is the volunteer page for a popular museum with a good reputation and high E-A-T. The museum is the expert on their own volunteer opportunities. High+ to Highest is an appropriate rating.

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