Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

On the other hand, there may be queries where the needs of most users would actually be satisfied by English language results, even if the query itself is typed in the task language. For example, for queries about global businesses and organizations, users may expect or want to visit the English language version of the business/organization's official website in some locales. Similarly, for queries seeking technical information such as manufacturer part numbers, product specs, scientific or chemical formulas, etc., the answer to the query may be typically expressed in the English language in some locales. For these queries, users may expect or want to see English results in order to satisfy their need. Please use your judgment and knowledge of your locale to determine the appropriate rating.

Query and User Intent

Result Block and LP, Needs Met Rating


Query: [ :ावड वेब9ाइट ] Locale: Hindi (IN) User Intent: :ावड वेब9ाइट is "Harvard website" in Hindi. Users want to go to the official website of Harvard University, which is a well-known research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

This is the official website of Harvard University. Even though the query was typed in Hindi, this English website is clearly what users are looking for. Users would be fully satisfied by this result.

This article comes from a blog that contains lots of technical information and troubleshooting tips about IT operations and programming. The landing page provides step-by-step instructions in Korean, along with the exact commands in English that users would need to type into a console in order to recover the operating system for the queried device. This tutorial would be very helpful and easy to follow for Korean users who are familiar with this type of networking device.

Query: [ 시스 코 카 탈 리 스 트 스 위 치 IOS 복 원 하 기 ]

Locale: Korean (KR)

User Intent: This Korean query can be translated as "recovering IOS on Cisco Catalyst switches". The user wants to find out how to restore the IOS operating system on a Cisco Catalyst switch, which is a specific brand/model of computer networking device.

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