Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

Additionally, here are a few general things to keep in mind when rating tasks: ● Result blocks are sometimes slow to load: Before assigning any ratings, please scan the task page to make sure that all result blocks have loaded. Please note that result blocks may be slow to load and/or that the task page may need reloading if there are empty result blocks. If the result blocks fail to load after refreshing a few times, please release the task by following the instructions in Section 28.0 below. ● Sometimes a side will not have any result blocks: If one side displays the message <This side did not generate any results,= please do not release the task. ● Do not refresh the task page after assigning ratings: If you refresh the page after assigning ratings, you will lose them and they will have to be entered again. 28.0 Releasing Tasks Most raters have difficulty rating some tasks now and then. Some queries are about highly technical topics (e.g., computer science or physics) or involve very specialized areas of interest (e.g., gaming or torrents). You will report problems and release tasks using the <Report a Problem / Release this Task= button in the rating interface. Here is what the <Report a Problem / Release this Task= button looks like:

Clicking the red button displays a menu with several reporting and release options:

Please note that changes are sometimes made to this menu, so it may not look exactly as it appears above.

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