Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

Type of Webpage/Content

Low Quality Characteristics

PQ Rating and Explanation

Low: Informational 1 40th birthday party food ideas

This page and website have many characteristics of Low quality pages. Close observation shows MC that contains mostly commonly known information and poor quality writing. The MC is broken up by large Ads that disrupt the user experience.

● Low quality MC ● Disruptive Ads

Low: Informational 2 Q&A unanswered question

● Unsatisfying amount of MC for the purpose of the page

Some websites rely on users to create virtually all of their MC. In this case, the MC is the user’s question. If there are no answers, the amount of MC on the page is unsatisfying.

Low: Article 1 Article with tips for dressing for the office

● Low or Lowest quality MC ● Lacking E-A-T

This content has many problems: inaccurate/meaningless information and complete lack of editing with poor spelling and grammar4both of these characteristics in combination justify the Lowest+ to Low rating.

Low: Article 2 Using ginger for your health

● Low or Lowest quality MC ● Lacking E-A-T

This content has many problems: garbled information and a lack of editing. Both of these characteristics in combination justify the Lowest+ to Low rating. In addition, lacking E-A-T on this topic is concerning.

Adopting a child significantly impacts the health and well-being of families. This is a YMYL topic. However, the steps listed here are merely commonly-known information that would be of little benefit to someone interested in adopting a child from Iraq. For example, step 1 says <Choose an adoption agency= and suggests looking in a phone book. There is almost no information specific to Iraq. There is no evidence of expertise on adoption from the description about the author. Note that some Ads have the same format as links to other articles on this website, potentially making it a bit harder for users to visually distinguish these Ads from the MC and SC.

Low: Article 3 How to adopt children from Iraq

● Low quality MC: commonly known information only ● Lacking E-A-T on a YMYL topic

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