Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

Type of Webpage/Content

Low Quality Characteristics

PQ Rating and Explanation

Advice on stock investment could significantly impact a person’s financial decisions and security. This is a YMYL topic. There is no evidence that the author has financial expertise. Because this is a YMYL financial article, lacking expertise is a reason for a Low rating.

Low: Financial Page with advice on picking a quality stock for investment

● Lacking E-A-T on a YMYL topic

Many patient hospitalizations and deaths occur due to the flu each year. This topic could significantly impact a person’s health. This is a YMYL topic. There is no evidence that the author has medical expertise. Because this is a YMYL medical article, lacking expertise is a reason for a Low rating. This page and website have many of characteristics of Low quality pages. The MC is low quality and lacks important information. For example, it gives no indication of how to make a crust and doesn’t list premade crust as an ingredient. It would be very difficult to actually make an apple pie using this recipe. This page is lacking the kind of helpful content we expect in recipe pages, such as user reviews or comments. Without such information, it’s hard to tell if the recipe is any good. The small pink text at the top is not helpful for users.

Low: Medical Page with information about how long the flu lasts

● Lacking E-A-T on a YMYL topic

Low: Recipes 1 Apple pie recipe

● Low quality and unsatisfying amount of MC

Low: Recipes 2 Gluten-free New York cheesecake recipe

● Very distracting SC or Ads (not clear) in the right column ● Disruptive Ads in the middle column

This is an example of distracting and disruptive Ads/SC: there are large Ads in the main column pushing down the MC as well as highly distracting content on the right that are labeled <Top Posts & Pages.= It is unclear whether these are SC or Ads.

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