You do not need to develop spam recognition expertise or use special spam identification tools for PQ rating. Please review this section for guidance on what to look for even without having such tools or expertise. 7.5.1 Cannot Determine a Purpose, No MC, Little MC, or Lowest Quality MC All pages should be created with sufficient quantity and quality of MC so that the page can achieve its purpose. If the MC is lacking in quality or quantity, typically a Low quality rating should be used. However, sometimes pages are so lacking in MC that the purpose of the page itself is unclear or you may suspect the page is not actually created for people. If any of the following are true, the page should be rated Lowest : ● Despite your best efforts, the purpose of the page cannot truly be understood because the MC is gibberish or otherwise unusable for people ● The page deliberately has no MC ● The page is deliberately created with so little MC that it fails to achieve any purpose ● The page is deliberately created with such low quality MC that it fails to achieve any purpose 7.5.2 Hacked, Defaced, or Spammed Pages Websites can become hacked, defaced, or filled with a large amount of distracting and unhelpful content from bad actors. Bad actors may add unrelated MC or SC or may modify existing MC on webpages to change the purpose of the page. These pages should be rated Lowest because they fail to accomplish their original purpose. For reference, a hacked or defaced website is a site that has been modified without permission from the website owner(s). Responsible webmasters should regularly check their websites for suspicious behavior and take steps to protect users. A common problem is "spammed" comments. We’ll consider a comment or forum discussion to be <spammed= if there are posts with unrelated comments that are not intended to help other people, but rather to advertise a product or create a link to a website. Frequently these comments are posted by a <bot= rather than a real person. If a specific page on a website has a large amount of unrelated <spammed= comments, the page should be rated Lowest .
7.5.3 Auto-generated MC
Creating an abundance of content with little time, effort or expertise with no editing or manual curation is often the defining attribute of spammy websites. One way to do this is to use "auto-generated" content. It is possible to create many pages or even entire websites by designing a basic template from which hundreds or thousands of pages are created, sometimes using content from freely available sources (such as an RSS feed or API). These pages are created with no or very little time, effort, or expertise, and also have little to no editing or manual curation. There is little value when pages repackage freely available content with little attention to no attention to the experience of people visiting the page (see here for more information on automatically generated content). It is often easiest to recognize auto-generated content by clicking on multiple pages on a website and observing "templated" content. It may be difficult to recognize auto-generated content from a single page, so be sure to explore the website if you suspect the content is templated. Pages and websites made up of auto-generated content with no editing or manual curation, and no original content or value added for users, should be rated Lowest .
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