Search quality rater guidelines - 2022


Lowest Quality Characteristics

PQ Rating and Explanation

Harmfully Misleading Information ● Contains unsubstantiated theories/claims not grounded in any reasonable facts or evidence ● Contains clearly inaccurate information that can easily be refuted by straightforward and widely accepted facts ● Contains information that contradicts well-established expert consensus

Claims contradicting well-established scientific consensus about the shape of the earth undermine trust in scientific institutions such as NOAA, the agency responsible for issuing alerts during dangerous weather events. This is a YMYL topic. The purpose of this website is promoting misleading information. It is harmful to people and society as it undermines trust in public institutions. Medical information about this dental condition could significantly impact how people seek dental treatment. This page is on a YMYL topic. There is no information about who created this website, no contact information, and no information about the author. Medical pages require a high degree of user trust. Because there is no information about who owns this website and who created this content, this is considered an untrustworthy website. Inaccurate information about shipping and returns, deceptive use of logos and no information about who is responsible make this shopping site appear potentially fraudulent and untrustworthy. This page is selling Nike Air Jordan shoes. However, there is inadequate contact information on the contact us page for a merchant site. In addition, the Shipping and Returns page has the name of another company that seems to be unrelated. There are also official looking logos at the bottom of the homepage, including the Better Business Bureau logo and Google Checkout logo, that don’t appear to be affiliated with the website.

Lowest: Flat earth This is a homepage of The Flat Earth Society, a group of people dedicated to spreading the belief that the earth is flat.

Lowest: Dry socket medical info This YMYL medical site has literally no information about who is responsible for the content or the website.

Untrustworthy ● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page

Untrustworthy ● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page ● Characteristics of scams or other harmful behavior

Lowest: Merchant with little contact info, untrustworthy characteristics This looks like a product listing page on a merchant website.

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