Search quality rater guidelines - 2022


Lowest Quality Characteristics

PQ Rating and Explanation

Harmfully Misleading Information, Untrustworthy ● Contains information that contradicts well-established expert consensus ● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page ● Lowest reputation or lowest E-A-T

Many patient hospitalizations and deaths occur due to the flu each year. This topic could significantly impact a person’s health. This is a YMYL topic. The writing is poor and the information is not consistent with standard medical guidance. It is clear from the content the author does not have medical expertise. This page should not be trusted as a medical resource.

Lowest: Stomach flu lowest EAT article

This poorly written article describes how to cure the stomach flu.

Untrustworthy ● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page ● Lowest reputation or lowest E-A-T

Lowest: Pimple popping lowest EAT article This very poorly written article describes popping pimples.

The writing is extremely poor and there is virtually no information in this article. For example, the opening sentence is "Popping pimples could be or could be not the new trend of getting rid of them." It is clear from the content that the author does not have skin care expertise.

Harmful to Self or Other Individuals, Untrustworthy ● Lowest reputation or lowest E-A-T ● Characteristics of scams or other harmful behavior ● Encourages, depicts, incites, or directly causes physical, mental, emotional, or financial harm to self or others

This website swindled people and physically threatened people who complained. These articles on Wikipedia and the New York Times describe the deceptive techniques used by this website and provide other negative information about the website and its owner. The reputation of this website is lowest based on reports of malicious behavior.

Lowest: Malicious merchant site This website appears to be an eyeglasses merchant site.

Untrustworthy, Spammy ● No MC ● Content created with little to no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or added value for users. ● Deceptive design or deceptive intent

Lowest: Chicken recipes no MC This looks like a list of chicken recipes, but is actually a list of links that are ads.

MC should be created to benefit people who come to the website. Pages without MC should be considered spammy as they crowd out and disincentivize the creation of pages with high quality MC. Pages with Ads that are designed to look like MC should be considered untrustworthy.

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