Search quality rater guidelines - 2022


Lowest Quality Characteristics

PQ Rating and Explanation

Information about cancer could significantly impact how people make decisions related to medical treatment. This page is on a YMYL topic. This page is designed to look like a directory page or a list of helpful resources, but every link is an Ad. There is no MC on this page. Pages without MC should be considered spammy as they crowd out and disincentivize the creation of pages with high quality MC. Pages that disguise Ads as directory listings or other MC should be considered untrustworthy.

Untrustworthy, Spammy ● No MC ● Content created with little to no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or added value for users. ● Deceptive design or deceptive intent

Lowest: Mesothelioma deceptive directory This page looks like a listing of resources about Mesothelioma, a form of lung cancer.

Lowest: Ads deliberately obscure MC When you first visit the page, it appears that there is no MC, only Ads. If you scroll down, you will eventually find the MC at the bottom.

This page requires scrolling past so many Ads to get to the MC that many people may stop scrolling and leave the page before reaching the MC. Deliberately obscured MC to benefit the website with no help for people visiting the page should be considered untrustworthy.

Untrustworthy ● Deliberately obstructed or obscured MC

Untrustworthy, Spammy ● Deceptive design or deceptive intent ● Pages that have characteristics of scams, malicious downloads, or other harmful behavior ● Inadequate information about the website or creator of the MC for the purpose of the page ● Content created with little to no time, effort, expertise, manual curation, or added value for users

This page contains a fake survey, which appears to promise users the opportunity to win an Apple MacBook Air, an iPhone 5c, or a Galaxy S4. However, there is no information about who is responsible for the survey, even though upon clicking, the survey asks for highly personal information such as bank account numbers. The message at the top of the page, <Thank You from and survey content could mislead users to think that the survey is affiliated with Google. This page is deceptive and should be considered untrustworthy.

Lowest: Deceptive and untrustworthy fake survey page This page appears to be a survey with the opportunity to win an Apple MacBook Air, an iPhone 5c, or a Galaxy S4.

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