Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

When is the locale or user location important in understanding query interpretation and user intent? Please use both web research and your personal judgment to answer this question. Ask yourself, <Would people in one city or country be looking for something different than people in another city or country?=

12.4 Queries with an Explicit Location Sometimes people tell search engines exactly what kinds of results they are looking for by adding the desired location in the query, regardless of their own location. We'll call this location inside the query the <explicit location.= The explicit location makes queries much easier to understand and interpret.

<My mom is coming



<I need a hotel for my



to visit. I need to find a hotel for her nearby= Query: [Dallas hotels] Locale: English (US) User Location: Dallas,TX Explicit Location: Dallas

trip to New York=

Query: [New York hotels] Locale: English (US) User Location: Dallas,TX Explicit Location: New York

Sometimes the explicit location matches the user location or locale, and sometimes it doesn't.

When there is an explicit location in the query, pay attention to it! People use explicit locations to indicate exactly what they are looking for.

12.5 Queries with Multiple Meanings Many queries have more than one meaning. For example, the query [apple] might refer to the computer brand or the fruit. We will call these possible meanings query interpretations . Dominant Interpretation : The dominant interpretation of a query is what most users mean when they type the query. Not all queries have a dominant interpretation. The dominant interpretation should be clear to you, especially after doing a little web research. Common Interpretation : A common interpretation of a query is what many or some users mean when they type a query. A query can have multiple common interpretations. Minor Interpretations : Sometimes you will find less common interpretations. These are interpretations that few users have in mind. We will call these minor interpretations .

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